Chapter 2

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Everyone tried to steal my story as I stared the police officer, waiting for his never-ending questions. However, I received the curses and badmouthing of my parents instead. I've heard their "son of a bitch, monster" and other" lowlifes" words so much in these few minutes, that they almost completely flowed into the background.

Mom stood in the right one corner of the room, somewhat behind the officer and next to my father. Her crying face was buried in her hands, giving out the most delightful sounds I've ever heard.

Just hearing her weep brightened my day so much that a slow grin formed on my face; I simply couldn't content my absolute joy any longer. I knew it might had seem creepy in this situation, but I couldn't care less. I had no pity for those kind of people who dare to knock me unconscious. Not even if mom cries herself to death or if dad blows up from his unreasonable anger. They did not deserve my pity.


My mother sobbed.

But who cares?

I smiled at her. People should smile at happy occasions after all.

The officer cleared his throat before an insane person called Thomas Angel could jump at me and my mom scream the world out of her throat at me. He readied his recorder and began to record my voice.

"Aran Angel," he said.


"More like bastard!" mom wept. Oh, the poor-poor woman. Let me eat her brain so she can die this day.

The officer glanced at her and said, "Be quiet," then he turned towards me. "So your name is Aran Angel, am I correct?"


"You are seventeen years old according to my data. Do you agree with this statement?"


"And you killed your brother, Cain Angel, am I correct?"

So straight to the point.

Father readied his fists to hit me if necessary. Mom stopped crying for a moment then brusted out, weeping like it was the end of the world. I looked around the almost empty room; its whole atmosphere and mood focused around me and my answer.

I shrugged.

Did I kill him or did I not? Hamlet asked the same sort of question: To be or not to be? It's only that I knew the answer to that question and if only people asked me yes or no before, I might have replied straight away.


It might not have to come to this. Everything might have been normal. Only a bit abnormal.

"Answer me, Aran Angel. Did you or did you not kill your brother called Cain Angel?"

Who knows?

"I guess..." I began and glanced between the officer, mom, and dad. "It depends on your interpretation. And how you word it. If you squash a mosquito, did you kill it? Yes. But would it count as a murder?"

"Yes or no?" repeated the officer, ignoring my stupid comparisons. But I was just a teenager who could be a murderer. Did I not at least deserve to joke sometimes? To have fun?

It's not my fault that Cain Angel died.

It's not my fault that I murderer my brother.

But then whose fault is this?

"Answer the goddam question, you nobody!" dad yelled and mom wept even louder. Oh, my god. Can't I have my moment?

"Yes, you monster, you fucker, you bastard, you-you... you murderer!" mom screamed, tears in her eyes. Her voice was weird too, like it couldn't decide between giving out sound of cries and normal talking.

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