Nurturing Parent vs. Critical Parent

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Class: EAPP 1500

Type: Comparison Essay

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                                             Nurturing Parent vs. Critical Parent

            What kind of parent do you have? When you surround yourselves with other families or friends, you will start to know the gist of how different every parent can be. Do you compare your parents with other parents? Maybe one parent may be gentle and the other is harsher. As you read on, you will see the difference between a nurturing parent and critical parent through their personality, the advantages, and the disadvantages.

            First, the personality is the core to who a parent is, what they say or do, and how they react to certain situations. For example, a nurturing parent is comforting, calm, and loving. When a child has done something wrong, they will be the first to say "It's ok." They would use their soft, concern voice to stop the kid from crying and accept anything the kid has done without a fight. Nurturing parents pay attention to their kids' activities and encourage them to become better. On the other hand, a critical parent is judgmental, controlling, and negative. When a child does something that they did not accept they would point their fingers and harshly say: "Stop that! No, do this!" They will most likely point their finger to the child referring them to not stop their attitude or actions. A critical parent will tell their child what is good and bad, right and wrong, and what they should or should not do. They control the child to wanting them to do what is in the parents' favor. A critical parent will hold their own beliefs and values, which they would want their child to absorb into.

            Second, there are advantages to how a parent is through their personality. When a nurturing parent is showing care and love towards the child, the child accepts it and feels encouraged. The child will be willing to do anything to make their parents happy since their parents pay close attention their surroundings. The child will be set in a positive environment that will help them to learn the brighter side of how life is. Nevertheless, a critical parent will help the child understand how the society is. They will teach the child the ins and outs of tough situations. The child will become someone who does not let people step over them. A critical parent is more of the parent that shows tough love towards the child. The child will strive towards the motivation that they were set into.  

            Third, for disadvantages, there is an effect in everything a parent does. Whether it is big or small, there are consequences for their actions. When a nurturing parent is playing Mr. Nice Guy or Mrs. Nice Lady, there come some issues to that personality. Since a nurturing parent accepts anything their child does, the child becomes spoiled, bratty, and someone who always want their way. When that child does not get what they what, they will throw tantrums or get upset easily. The reason why the child would react in such behavior is because the child always had their way with what they wanted. The nurturing parent has been guiding the child for too long that the child does not know how to react when things do not go in their favor. Sometimes, they may even not know how the outside world is since they have been sheltered away from reality. However, when a critical parent is judging their child by pushing hard on their every move, the child becomes depressed and feels worthless. They would feel that they are never good enough for their parents' high expectations. A critical parent is usually busy focusing on their work which makes the child feel lonesome since there is no attention towards them to feel worthy. Since the critical parent lacks to show love and support towards the child, the child will most likely become rebellious and disobedient. The negative atmosphere that the child was born into will affect them to build their own mindset on how reality is.

            Finally, you have read through the mirrors of how a nurturing parent and a critical parent impacts through who they are, the positive influences, and the negative downfalls. Have you figured out what kind of parent you have? Sometimes, a parent may not be full-on nurturing or full-on critical. Sometimes, the parent's personality can be somewhere in the middle. A nurturing parent may be the generous one to help guide their child to learn life while the critical parent is demanding their child to believe in certain rules to survive life. Any parent takes risks for what they do and do not do. The only factor that matters is who the child becomes in the end.

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