Request - Damon Salvatore "Stalker"

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"Who the hell are you?" You turned around, knowing that there was someone who had been following you around for days, and you had enough. There was so much happening lately in town that you had gotten a bit jumpy, and this stranger, black hair, blue eyes, ridiculously good looking, you noticed when he stepped out from behind the tree, didn't do anything to make it better.

"Damon Salvatore...", he simply answered and looked at you as if he expected some kind of reaction or recognition from your side, something that didn't came. He might look like he had spent a bit too much time with Hale, but you were pretty sure you would have seen him before if that would have been the case.

"And that should ring a bell?", you snapped back. "Why are you following me around? If you want to meet you, you can just come up to me and say hi..." You brushed your long brown hair out of the way, shifted your wait to one leg and put your hand on your hip, waiting for him to answer.

An answer that was a smirk at first.
"Are you aware you look an awful lot like... well... a few other woman I've known?" He stepped forward, coming close to you, outstretching his hand to your hair. "Luckily I've seen it a few times before, or I would have been seriously creeped out by now."

You frowned.
"What are you talking about?" Other woman he knew? Creeped out? It sounded strange.

"Ever heard of the concept doppelganger?" He asked, smirking slightly. A very, very attractive smirk, to be honest. "You're one of them. Usually an indication of a lot of trouble." He crossed his arms, stepping a bit back.
"But I've watched you, for a few days, to make sure you weren't Katherine come back to live. Or..." He broke off his sentence, the tone of his voice suddenly turning sad. "Never mind."

"You've watched me?" You didn't know if you should be flattered or scared. Or both... or anything else.
"That's.... kind of stalking, you know that, don't you?" But no matter how wrong it was, how much it felt like stalking and how fast you knew you should run away, there was something in this stranger that fascinated you. You didn't know if it was his eyes, his confident attitude or the sadness in his voice when he broke off what he was saying, but there was something.

"I know. I'm kind of good at that, you know." He smirked again, the one moment where he had dropped his facade gone again.
"But I would like to get to you know a bit better without the whole stalking element, if you'd like that better."

You... actually kind of liked the sound of that. You knew you shouldn't, you knew you should get away as soon as you could. You knew guys like him. Bad news, usually, but you wanted to take the risk with him.
"Fine... I guess you know where I live already... even when I shouldn't be glad about that. Pick me up at eight. And better make it a good night.", you smiled, and the smile you got in return made you think you had made the right decision.

Damon Salvatore - The Vampire Diaries Imagines & DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now