Chapter 11

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??? Pov.
"Ohhh~ how sad. Losing a best friend. Jealous people tzzz. I can't even pity them anymore."

Author Pov.
After that day that went down in pity and anger the night was getting worser.

Yoongi was sad and was ignoring Minseo for some reason everytime. It made Minseo sad to see her master so sad.
On her skin the scars started to appear again and her bell rang in pain.

Minseo Pov.
At night...
I was sitting on my masters bed and tried to cover my scars. Master was showering right now so I was with Jiho alone.

"What are you doing there Minseo?" Jiho asked me. "Umm... nothing..." I said and smiled nervously. "Stop lying! Show me your arms and legs." He said and sat beside me.

I nodded slowly and pulled my sleeves up. Jiho gasped. "Minseo..." He strock over my scares and a silent tears escaped from my eye.

"This is not good... tell Yoongi.."
I just shook my head. "Master will not listen to me... like the whole day. He didn't look into my eyes and didn't even spoke with me a single word." I explained to him.

Jiho strock my head and smiled. But I could see in his eyes that he was worried. "It's alright.. maybe he will talk to you again.. I'm sure he will. Now you will sleep in our room... because Seoyeon threw your clothes out of the hotel room." Jiho said.

I sighed and nodded. This is so horrible. It's a horrible feeling. Then Master came out of the bathroom.

Jiho Pov.
Yoongi came out of the bathroom. He was looking down to the ground. Yoongi was really sad and upset, but it wasn't acceptable that he made Minseo surfer as well.

"Yoongi... Minseo is sleeping in our room." I said. He didn't look up. "Alright." He simply said and threw the towel away.

Now he is pissing me off. What an behavor is this!?

"Don't you talk to Minseo again or look at her? Aren't you ashamed of yourself right now? Making her scares appear on her skin again, just because your stubborn self says that the close friends have to surfer as well." I said and looked at him angrily.

Yoongi looked up shocked. His eyes wide and his mouth slightly open. My anger faded away when I saw his face. He was thinking to much today.

So much.. that he cut of from the reality. I never saw him like that.

Yoongi Pov.
I looked up shocked. Shit. What is this!? Why am I like this!? Why am I hurting her everytime!? I'm stupid!

Then I remember the times today were Minseo was trying to speak to me or look at me, but I ignored her.

I started to cringe. The scared feeling came back. I looked at her.

She sat on my bed. Her arms covered with scares like her legs her neck....
Her lips all red and her eyes red from crying. Her hair was a mess and even now she smiled faintly.

I didn't know what to do. "I go grab some food... because this situation is not my problem anymore.." Jiho said and left the room.

Minseo just smiled. I fell to my knees and tears ran down my cheeks. I can't believe it I made a mistake again. Again I hurt her.

"Minseo.. I-I'm so sorry. Please forgive me!.. You deserve someone better than me! I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU AGAIN!! I CAN'T... I DON'T WANT TOO... I... I.." I shouted out loud while crying.

Then I heard footsteps. Soft hands on my cheeks. Pulling my face up. I could see Minseo crying as well. But that smile never faded away. "M-master.. I don't need someone other than you..." Minseo quietly said and kissed my lips.

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