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Life is good. Life is great. It has been almost two years since the issue with my dad and life couldn't be going smoother. I had to leave the competition team a few months ago because I was getting too many jobs, if I had to leave, that is a good reason to! I still dance at the ALDC, just not on the competition team.

It was emotional at first to leave but I do not miss the mama drama! I still see Kendall and the others almost every other day but not all day every day like I used to. I thought by leaving the team I would get less time at the studio but I suprisingly, I get more. I am improving heaps and have almost got my full back split (scorpian). I am taking more singing and acting classes too now which is better.

In the summer break I filmed two new movies and this last month or so I judged on So You Think You Can Dance: The Next Generation. Lots is happening in my life now so I have decided to pick this diary up again.

As for what happened with Chloe? Well I will tell you a little later, I have to go to bed now (Mom is yelling at me!). Goodnight!

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