The Journey to Dance

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In the car I do Kenzie's hair, because she wouldn't stay still at home so we didn't get it done in time. It is still hectic but mom has calmed down a bit now but she is still a little stressed that we won't be there in time. My dance company has two studios, one in Pittsburg and one in Los Angeles. We are in Pittsburg this week but next week we are going to LA as the competition we are attending is there. We have an apartment in LA and a house in Pittsburg. Sometimes it feels like we should have a house in LA because we are there so much.

Anyway, now we are pulling up to the studio and it is so cold. I am so glad I didn't just wear my team jacket! As we park, I see Kendall and her mom, Jill, drive in. Kendall is my best friend. Everyone calls us 'The Bros' and we are always together. 

I hug Kendall and head into the studio. Abby, the head choreographer and owner of our studio, is not here this week because she is in LA choreographing our routine for next week and working at the LA studio. Gianna, another teacher and the assistant choreographer, is sitting at the front desk ordering costumes. I say hi and head in to the changing rooms.

I take off my jumper and my team jacket then start stretching with Kenzie and Kendall. One by one the other members of my team come in, Nia, JoJo and finally Kalani. We are all stretching and talking and then Gianna calls us in to pyramid. This is it, a new season, another chance to work for a national title. Now I am really nervous.  

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