p r o l o g u e

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This story was written by RoseSparks and dustyrules.

May 2nd, 1998


Luna found Harry at the edge of the forest.

He was curled up in the fetal position, tears streaming down his pale face, his dark hair spread in a measly attempt to cover the fact that he was crying. It didn't work. Luna knelt, placing his head in her lap, letting her long blonde hair act as a curtain he could hide in.

"It's all my fault." He  mumbled. "Fred, Remus, Tonks, Dobby, Colin, Lavender..." He continued to whisper inaudible names, names of the lost. "Dumbledore, Cedric, Snape, Crabbe, Bellatrix, Pettigrew, even Voldemort!"

She shook her head, wincing slightly at the name, trying to reassure him, "Hush, hush, it is not your fault!" Luna soothed him in a futile attempt to try and calm him down. Like his trick with the hair, it didn't work.

His head shook, as he refused to be comforted. "All my fault, all my fault, ALL MY FAULT!" His voice began to rise in volume, making it nearly audible to all nearby. Glancing nervously behind her, Luna tried to shake him up to try and get some reaction.

"Harry James Potter!" Luna spoke sharply, trying to get his attention.  He sat up, suddenly, as if grasping at his name, before falling back to wallow in despair. In the few seconds she had got a glimpse of him, Luna could tell he was in a state of despair. His eyes were red and bloodshot, with dark circles clearly visible underneath them.

"Harry, I think we should go." Luna tried to motivate him, coaxing him into standing up and following her back towards the light.

"Not back! Not back!" Harry immediately replied, scrapping any hopes Luna might have had of taking him back to Hogwarts.

She shook her head. "No, not back."

And with that, she apparated away from the ruins of Hogwarts, bringing the terrified hero with her.

They arrived in the only place Luna thought was safe - Shell Cottage, a week after Harry had saved her. There had been a fire, meaning Bill and Fleur had moved out, wanting another home that they could bring up the baby Fleur was pregnant with. They'd never found out if the fire had been an accident or not. At the moment, the cottage resembled a shell of itself, as it looked ruined and with only a few rooms remaining to sleep in.

They walked in silence towards Dobby's grave. For a moment, nothing existed apart from the two of them. The battle hadn't been fought, no one had died, Ginny didn't exist - it was just Harry and Luna, with the wind whispering to them. Harry fell to his knees, bashed his head on a rock, and fell unconscious.

Harry woke slowly. His vision was blurred and his head pounded. Despite this, he could still see a figure in the near distance. His head jerked upwards, survival instincts kicking in as his mind raced to find a name to match the face. Upon looking closer, he gave a sigh of relief as he could see it was just Luna Lovegood. His heartbeat slowed, and he relaxed, simply watching her as she watched the moon.

As the first beams of silver touched the ground, Luna held out her palm. Nestled in there was a small, pearly seed, which she buried in the spot where the moon had made its mark.

"The Battle of Hogwarts." She whispered.

A silvery shoot sprang out of the ground, and a pale flower appeared, the precise colour of the shaft of moonlight before it. To Harry, this meant nothing, as he was most likely still asleep. But to Luna, they were an entirely different thing. She knew what he did not; that these flowers were one of a kind.

What she didn't know was what would grow out of them, creating a future none of them would ever have dreamed of. She didn't know that they would bring heartbreak, memories, broken souls, arguments, tears, laughter, and even a namesake.

She didn't know that they would bloom into love.

This is just a prologue to a further story written about Harry and Luna. It's not going to be all romance, as at the moment Harry is scarred by Voldemort, and it will be more about Luna helping him get through it all and recover. Though there may be some romance in the future....

Also, what do you think the flowers do?

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