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Eli's POV
The drive is silent.
Megs plays with her fingers while I drive.
My brain is trying to comprehend what just happened.
We kissed
'Um...' I say
'That was interesting' I finish my sentence
All of a sudden a truckload of words spilled from Meghan's mouth.
'Eli I'm sorry, I don't what I was thinking and I was stupid I never should hav-' she says
'Megs chill' I say
She remains silent and looks out the window.
As we pull up to her house we silently get out. I grab a few bags and she does the same. I drop off my load of bags and head back to see if there's anymore. There's one left. I go grab it but so does Meghan and we end up awkwardly holding each others hands.
I look into her stormy grey eyes and she looks back at me.
'Um, I can take the bag' I say
'No I'll take it, you just go home.' She offers
'Ok' I say 'I'll see you when I see you'
I get in the car slowly and sit in the seat for a while. I look out my window and for whatever reason Meghan is standing at her front door. I don't know how long I was sitting there for but it came to my senses that I should get out. I get out of the car and look up to see that Meghan was no longer standing there. I shake my head and punch my car roof in frustration.
Meghan's POV
I watched as Eli's car left the driveway.
I lugged my shopping to my room and flopped onto my bed. I checked my phone and saw I had 3 missed calls from Stacey so I called her back.
'Hello' she said
'Hey, what do you want?'
'Oh, nothing just wanted to chat' she said
'About what?' I ask
'You and Eli' she says
'What about us?' I ask cautiously
'Did you take him shopping?' She asks
'Yeah' I say
'Ok, what'd you do?' She asks, hiding something
'Bought clothes' I lie
'And you and Eli didn't touch each other, at all?'
'Stacey' I say in a serious tone
'What?! I was just curious!' She said 'I'll cya tomorrow.' I say shaking my head
'Oh, be at the airport on time would ya? Don't wanna be late.'
'Of course, I'll cya then' I say
'Bye luv ya!' She says and hangs up
What were we going to do?
'I'm only gone for two weeks mum' I say tiredly as my mum hugs me a little too tightly.
'I know honey but it doesn't mean I won't miss you!' She says
I eventually was able to pry my mum off me and start to head through security. It was 6:00 AM and way to early to be up. Stacey was half asleep on Q's shoulder and Eli and I were standing next to each other, trying not to make eye contact.
Security took a million years but we got through it and eventually we standing outside the gates.
Stacey was still half asleep. She was trying her best to make sure we were all at the right gate at the right time and that sorta thing.
'I need a coffee' she yawned
'There' I point 'cafe over there'
We sit at the cafe and Q and Eli go and order for us.
Meanwhile Stacey has fallen asleep on my shoulder and was snoring more or less louder than the plane we were going to board in less than an hour.
'Well, no surprise there' Q says
'What do you mean?' I ask curious
Before Q can open his mouth to answer, Eli interrupts him saying.
'They were banging all night last night'
Q, in turn, punched his shoulder.
Eli laughed and rubbed his arm.
That brought a sad yet happy smile to my face. Happy because it was good to see Eli enjoy himself but sad because it was the first time in years I had heard Eli's genuine laugh.
'Meghan!' Eli said to me
'Huh, what?' I say, coming out of my day dream
'Did you listen to anything I just said?' Eli asked
'Not really' I say
Eli snorts
'Q went off to get Stace a neck pillow.' Eli says
'Righto, that it?' I ask
'Well, I think we both know we need to talk...again.' Eli says
'Yeah...' I say
Silence followed
Speak my brain tells me
'Eli I need to know' I start 'Do you, um, like me?' There I said it
'I mean, I've always had a soft spot for you Megs.'
I nod
'But...I guess I used to like you but I lost that feeling when we started fighting, I guess I need to find it again.'
I nod again
'I understand' I say
Although on the inside I was screaming at my past self for yelling and arguing with Eli.
'What about you? Do you like me?' Eli said
What do I say?

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