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"Call me tonight?" Caleb asks sticking his head out his car window.

"Obsiously." I reply with a grin.

He laughs then pulls out of my drive way. I wait until his car is gone before going inside.

I guess you could call what Caleb and I have a 'thing'.

We became friends in seventh grade, but didn't really start 'talking' until last year.

Orignally from Gerogia, we moved to New Jersey seven years, when my mom married Charles.

He's actually a really nice guy, and is pretty funny.

He took me and my sisters as his own. And really stepped up as our father figure.

Our real father died a year after Sarah Michelle was born, he was hit by drunk drivers in his way home from work.

Although I was very little, till this day I dislike driving. But okay because I have Caleb and my out her friends to drive me around.

Once in the house , I run up to my room to change. I slip into shorts, a tank top, and my sneakers. Then grabbing my ipod.

I go down stairs, out the back door to go on  my daily run. I've took an interest in running once we moved here. Not only did it help me lose weight, but it's also a great way to clear my head.

I set on the trail in my backyard, cranking up my ipod.

.   .   .

After my two hour run, I finish strong by jogging back to the house. I go straight to the kitchen and pour mysel f a glass of water, chugging it.

Just then Charles appears in the kitchen.

"Hi." I say trying to catch my breath.

"Mary Grace, your Mother would like to speak with you and your sisters."

I set my glass down

"Is something wrong? What happened?"

"I think it's best if your mother tells you." He says then turning around and walking in to the living room.

My sisters Anna Maria and Sarah Michelle are sitting on one couch.

Anna Maria graduated three years ago and is living at home while she attends community college.

Sarah Michelle just turned 10 and is just a pain in the butt.

Oh, and my mother gave us two names to go by because she be lived it made us 'unique individuals'. Sarah likes to just go by Sarah saying her name is too long.

I sit across from them in the recliner when my mom walks in on the edge of crying.

"Whats wrong Mommy?" Sarah asks.

"I just received a call from your Uncle Tom." She says.

"In Gerogia?" Anna Maria asks.

"Yes, he said that Grandpa died." She says as a tear slides down her cheek.

"How?" I ask trying to fight back tears. Inshore to myself that I would never let anyone see me cry. Not after what happened.

"He had a heart attack two nights ago. They found him this morning." Mom replies.

I feel my stomach tie up in twists. I loved Grandpa, me and him were always close and he was the only one I stayed in contact with since we moved up north.

"Whats going to happen to the house?" Anna Maria asks wiping away at her eyes.

"Tom wanted to sell it, but we told him not to." Charles said grabbing my mothers hand.

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