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We've been in Macon for about a week now, it's been uneventful.

The only things I've done were run, sleep, and eat. Caleb and Kendall have called me to ask how everything was going. It was nice to hear their voices, and knowing that I was on their mind.

Throughout the week, ive seen my 'old' friends at that  Ryan kids house. From a far, i can tell that Ryan and Savannah are obviously a thing. The way she laughs at everything that falls out of his moth and how she's is draped over him.


Yesterday, Mom along with Sarah drove Anna Maria to check out the community college. Thought it was only an hour away, they booked a hotel and will be looking around for potential apartments for Anna.

Another thing that happened yesterday, when I came in from my run I saw a plate of cookies in our table.

Since it's only me and Chalres in the house, I know he didn't make them.

When I asked who made them, he said that one of our neighbors brought them over welcoming us to the neighborhood.

They were great cookies. I felt like I've had them before but don't remember from where.


But now, Friday, I just got back from my run and I'm laying on bed bored.

Suddenly my phone rings.

I look to see Calebs face.

"Hello?" I say answering.

"What's going on?" I hear Calebs voice say.

"Nothing much, just sitting in my very pink room." I say playing with my hair.

"You're favorite color!" He laughs.

"Bop!" I say with a smile.

"What are your plans for the night?" He asks.

"Sitting in my room and continue to look at the ceiling." I say as I roll to my back.

"Boring! No parties?" He asks.

That's when Matthew popped into my head.

"Actually I was invited to a party. But I don't think I'll be attending."

"What do you mean you won't be attending? Mary get yourself up put something in and go. Who's party is it?" Caleb says.

"No one you know" I smirk.

"Well obviously, is it a girl's party? A boy?" He asks, slowly at the boy part.

"Its a boy, and his name is Matthew and is kinda a douche." I say sitting up.

"Oh, well you can't stay couped up in your room forever Mary. Go socialize, make friends." Caleb laughs.

"Okay Dad, but I don't think I'd want to be friends with these people." I say.

"Dont judge a book by its cover!" He chuckles.

"Well I already know the pages within." I say looking at mirror across the room.

"That was deep." Caleb says before laughing.

"I feel like you laugh at ebb everything I say. Am I that funny?" I smile.

"You have no idea." He laughs as I roll my eyes.

"So are you going to the party or what?" He asks.

"I don't know." I reply.

"Come on Mary, please? For mee?" He says carrying out his words.

I sigh.

"Fine but I'm only staying for twenty minutes."

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