Chapter 18

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Tiaria P.O.V

We were just leaving our last scan appointment as I was due any day and they wanted to check that everything is okay with me and the babies. Yep babies, when we found out we had two babies instead of one, was a huge shock, Harley fainted which was really funny. It turned out that the baby that we saw last time was hiding the other one in a protective manner. After discovery we had informed the pack that me and Harley were expecting, they were surprised as a few weeks before that Steph and Chris announced their baby news and explained that could not risk telling them with the fight that was going on, Steph was nearly at the end of her pregnancy, she was having a little girl, which would be the first Alpha Female for this pack.

We had a lot of scan photos in an album, then I and the girls went shopping buying lots of clothes for the babies. It was a great time we all had bags hanging off our arms our mates looked bewildered at the sight of us. After that we they had spent the  night, until Steph went into labour, I remember sitting with Harley, the looking over at them, we were all giggling at the film we were watching, Steph had wet herself. I mentioned this to her, that’s when her eyes went weird, realising that it was her water had broken and was in labour. Everyone was screaming, Chris was pale and not moving, grabbing my phone I rang the pack hospital to let them know we were on our way with the future Luna and the baby, next I rang Alpha Michael to inform him what was happening and to let Steph parents know what was happening. I walked up to Steph, shaking her slightly till she grabbed my hand, having a contraction, I breathed with her, once she finished I explained that she needed to make her way to the car and Harley will guide her there while I sort out Chris, she turned around to look at him and when she did she giggled at the sight of him. This snapped him out of trance and realised that he had not organised it, I told him that everything is sorted and to take our car and we will come later. It was at 3 in the morning that we got the text saying that she had been born and named Abigail-Rose, born at 2:30am weighing 7lb 3oz. he told us that we can visit in the morning, I had text back saying congratulations.

When was about 4 months (7 months in human pregnancy) Harley had a surprise for me, he had surprised me with making a nursery in the room next to ours, the room was painted a light brown and cream. He had painted a tree with branch’s that had a few pictures of my parents then me, then his parents on the other side, then a picture of him. It was a family tree, then a couple of spaces for our children. In both corners was draws with the changing mat on top. A rocking chair next to the window. Then two cots together, dark wooden sleigh ones. In the last corner was toys and teddies. Next to the rocking chair was a table for bottles and bottle warmer. Everything was thought of, I admit I cried, he had spent so much time on it. In our bedroom was two Moses baskets. We had changed the rooms around, the living room, had a draw set for the nappies etc. fire guard and all baby proofed. Kitchen had a cupboard full of bottles, powder.

I and Harley walked in our home, I decided to grab a shower, wobbling up the stairs to the bedroom, once there I stripped out of my clothes. Standing in my underwear, I took note of my baby bump feeling them move around. I was lucky that my pregnancy was not bad as some people, I had no morning sickness, exercised until I was 2 months. Had hardly any stretch marks, no cravings. It was easy and simple which I was grateful for. After my shower I got dressed in my bed clothes which was a big t-shirt as that just made room for my bump. I got into bed for a nap, I had felt my bed dip down I knew that Harley had joined me, he slipped his arm around my waist and whispering things to our babies.

About 3 hours later I woke up to feel a wetness between my legs, knowing that I did not wee myself, I shook Harley wake, it took a while. After about 15 minutes he woke. Telling him in a calm way that my waters had broken and we need to get up and get out bags then make our way to the hospital. He just nodded his head and made way in shock. Standing up I slipped on a pair of shorts. Making my way down the stairs slowly, I just got to the door when my first contraction started lasting a minute I looked at my watch taking note of the time and then carried on towards the car. Harley had everything ready, car seat, mine and our babies’ bag and a little bag for Harley which mainly contained food and water. Double checking we made our way, 20 minutes later I had my next contraction as we just pulled into the hospital parking lot. Once parked we made our way to the entranced, Harley had rang ahead to let them know that we were coming, a nurse was outside with a wheel chair, as soon as she saw me she came over telling me to get into the chair and we made our way into the hospital and into a room. The same nurse checked my blood pressure, took a blood test and then hooked a baby monitor to my bump to make sure that their hearts beats are healthy and not dropping in stress. They were fine and healthy, and the scan showed they were in the right position. I had a couple more contractions and was asked if I wanted any pain meds, I just asked for the gas and air. It had been a few hours and my nurse walked through to see how many cm I was dilated, turns out I was only 4. Which sucked, I asked Harley to join me in the bed so that we can get a bit of sleep before I am in active labour, snuggling close to him, still holding his hand squeeze g it when I a contraction. I woke up just in time as the nurse walked through to check me, waking up Harley slowly, giving me a kiss. He grabbed his water asking if I wanted some, I nodded my head. Contractions were happening every minutes, I was 9 cm dilated and could start pushing when I felt the urge, which I can tell you now, I felt the urge. I was told that when my contraction started then I was to push, count to 10 then stop then push again. Half hour later I was pushing still, it hurt, the burning sensation that came made me cringe, I carried on but I wasn’t until when his shoulder came out I screamed, he had made his shoulder wide. It hurt, my first one was out, my little boy was placed on my chest, I looked at him with a big smile and tears running down my face. Harley cut his cord, I past Charlie to Harley so he could say hi. The nurse came over to clean him up and do a check-up, Harley watched intently as she did this, his wolf was half out as his pup was out of his sight. The doctor told me that I had to prepare again, doing what I did first time, I wasn’t so bad my little girl kind of slid out in away. She was placed on my chest more tears and smiles happened, giving her to Harley as well until she had her check-up. The nurses had placed them in the outfits that we had brought with us, they were placed in little basket cribs and pushed towards us. They had fell asleep, the nurse told us to let her know when they wake so she could show me how to breast feed. I had showered and changed into some really nice clean comfy clothes.

The nurse had been I had fed my little pups, Harley parents had been by, so had the Alpha and Luna, our friends said they will come round when we are home and settled it was kind of them to do. Right now me and Harley were in wrapped in each other’s arms looking at our babies. Kissing each other before falling to sleep. I whispered to Harley ‘I love you so much Harley thank you for being with me today and giving me a family’.  

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