Lucinda sama?

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A couple hours later...

Kawaii chan's pov
After kawaii chan took care of the newspaper, she went upstairs to her room to put her kittens to bed.
Kawaii chan of course got a crib for them, so she put them in thier with some toys untill they fell asleep.
Nathan would snore sometimes, he was adorable when he did.
It made kawaii chan very happy to see her kittens happy, wether it be a giggle or the tiniest of smiles. Kawaii chan might as well take a nap, she has nothing better to do.

Aphmau's pov
I wonder how kawaii chan is doing? She seems unphased by the fact that she's a single mom, with two kids that could tear through the wall given enough time. Maybe i should go check on her, im pretty sure she's in her room right now.
I slowly get up as to not wake Aaron, who was sleeping right next to me...
"Hey babe"
He said slowly getting up
"Aaron, i-i didn't mean to wake y-"
"Shhhhhhh" he said holding his finger to my lips, also being shirtless
"Dont worry about it"


"A-Aaron, im gonna go, um, check on the cupcakes! Yes thats it! Ill be back soon, ok?" I totally lied
" Ok, ill be waiting" he said, giving me his "mr. Ima handsome beast" smile.

I quickly left the room and closed the door, blushing heavily as i remembered what happened


Stop remembering!
Hold yourself together aphmau!
Ill go check on kawaii chan, then ill go watch some anime downstairs.
"Heyyyyyy katelyn" i heard a muffled Travis say
"Im busy Travis" Muffled katelyn said
"Not to busy for- owwww!!!" Travis said as he probably got punched
"Not today perv" katelyn said
" then tomorrow? " Travis said
" if your lucky " katelyn replied

Tehehe, my ship is sailing!!!
If only kawai-
Just then, kawaii chan burst through her door

" Kawaii chan felt a disturbance in the shipping force "

"Your ship is sailing kawaii chan"
I said, nodding torwards katelyn's door

"Eeeek you should have heard them yesterday!" She said telling me all the juicy gossip on the travlyn ship.
"Speaking of which, how is aphmau senpai and Aaron kun doing?"
"APHMAU SENPAI, your blushing so hard, did something happen that you want to tell kawaii chan?"

"Nonono, nothing happened, nothing at all"
I said, looking over kawaii chan's shoulder and seeing lucinda with zane's mask in hand, jumping out the window.
"Umm, lucinda just took zane's mask and went out the window"

"Lucinda sama?"

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