Zane's revenge

193 1 5

Kawaii chan's POV

"What do you mean, the short end of the deal?"

"What we brought back isn't zane, We brought back one of the tormented"  Vylad kun said

"A tormented?"

"That's right dearie, I am unfortunately not the zane you are looking for, I am curious as to how you knew?"
zane said as he stepped closer, a smug look on his face.
"Never mind, I've got to pay someone a visit, tahtah for now"
Fake-zane said as wings made of shadows formed on his back and he took off.

"Where do you think he'll go?" Lucinda sama asked

"Hopefully away from us" Vylad kun said

"What now?"
Good question, unfortunately I have run out of ideas and have massive writers block, I may or may not come back to this, so when I do, it will be a good book, until then I will do one shots.
Laurence: so you're leaving me behind?

Author: I'm not quite done playing with you Laurence, so I'll pull you into a one shot

Laurence: please no, they're worse than aphs five minute fanfics!

Aph: hey!

I'll see you Guy's later
-sincerely Jesse

P.s. Travlyn book is out!
Check it out on my profile!

Also, do you guys want me to write a zane x michi book? It won't be based of the zane chan books, so comment if you like the idea

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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