When he's drunk ♡

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Prompt: David comes home after going out with the boys and he's had too much to drink

You sat on the couch with your laptop as NESN played softly on the tv, cuddled up in a warm blanket and a hoodie of David's while trying to complete your paper.

At the sound of the door unlocking you excitedly closed your laptop now that David was home and dashed to the mud room to congratulate him on his hat trick. However when David stood up from taking off his shoes you quickly recognized the lazy smile plastered on his face. He was wasted.

"Hi baby! I missed you while I was out," David said stumbling towards you to engulf you in a hug, "I would've come home but the boys told me it's tradition to take a guy who scored his first hatty out to party."

"Don't worry about it, I figured you would want to celebrate. I'm so proud of you!" You exclaimed wiggling out of his bear hug in exchange for a kiss. David simply grinned and walked into the kitchen, clumsily bumping into the wall on his way.

"Sorry" he mumbled to the inanimate object, causing you to giggle as you followed after your large boyfriend.

When you entered the kitchen you pulled out a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water, handing it to David.

"Thanks," He took a swig of the water then gazed at you for several seconds before letting out a shy, "You're so pretty"

You smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "thank you babe." He grinned and wrapped his arms around you yet again.

"David I can't breathe." I joked making him instantly Remove his arms. He, in his current drunken state, thought he had hurt you.

"Oh my god princess I'm sorry are you okay? Hey... You're pretty." He slurred.

"Yes I'm okay, and thank you David, you're very handsome yourself." He blushed and giggled a bit, "but as handsome and giggly as you are I think you should go to bed so you can sleep this off."

He frowned, "but I haven't seen you allllll day! I missed you! If I go to sleep i won't be able to see you."

"I'll go to sleep with you." You reasoned.

He thought for a moment and then nodded, agreeing to go to sleep with you. However actually getting upstairs proved to be difficult seeing as David was so drunk he couldn't walk straight.

"David, please just focus on walking straight okay? I need to get you upstairs and you're much bigger than I am." You pleaded for the 5th time 20 minutes later. You were now standing over your boyfriend who had taken a seat on the ground at the bottom of the staircase.

"Okay okay, it's just hard because they move!" He whined.

"What moves, David?" You said cocking a  brow.

"These!" He insisted, pointing at the stairs.

"David it's all in your head, it's the alcohol telling you they move! Now come on I wanna go to bed!" You said getting slightly frustrated. However it was hard to stay annoyed when David was smiling up at you like an lovesick puppy dog.

"Okay, Okay I'll do it this time I swear." He said as you helped him to his feet. You put his arm around your neck and an arm behind his back and began climbing. After several stairs however, he became preoccupied with pictures hanging on the wall. "Hey I remember this!" He said pointing out a picture of you two in Czech.

"I know that's when we went to visit your family for the first time." You smiled at the memory.

"We need more pictures... like here and here and here." He said pointing to random empty spots on the wall of your stairway. "We should put the picture of us at the beach there, oh and the one of you me and my parents here. But save that space."

"Why should I save that space?" You asked amused at your boyfriend's sudden interior design infatuation.

"That's where a wedding picture will go someday." He said nonchalantly.

You felt your heart flutter at his words and how effortlessly he said them, as if marrying you was easily something he wanted to do, "I didn't know you wanted to get married." You laughed a bit.

"Well duh! You're the love of my life, I mean honestly you're my favorite person ever. You're like my best friend and you're gorgeous." He replied.

"God I love you." You smiled and continued to make your upstairs, after planting a kiss on David's cheek.

After making sure he was comfortable in bed you stripped down to your panties and threw on a lose t shirt to sleep in before slipping under the covers next to him. You felt his arms wrap around you and you scooted closer to him, closing your eyes ready for sleep. That's when you felt his large hand make its way down to your butt and grab it playfully.

"You're playful when you're drunk." You commented which made him giggle and move his other hand in the same direction. However before his hand could grab anything else you swatted his hand out of the way, "Go to sleep, David."

"Fine," David grumbled, removing his hands and closing his eyes "I love you."

"Love you more." You whispered before slipping into a well deserved sleep.


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