Chapter 2*

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Not long after Laito came storming though, the trio went to eat, nothing special it was just Yui and Y/n eating with Ethan eating whatever Y/n suggested he should try. Saying a soft, "As your butler, I shouldn't." Only to be shut up immediately by Y/n shoving the food into his mouth. It wasn't abnormal for the duo though. After they ate, Y/n headed off to the garden to take a breather while Yui and Ethan went back to her room to finish moving in his things. 

Y/n took a good look around the garden... it was beautiful. The roses that grew there were a lovely shade of white and it filled him with joy, he smiled as he plucked one of the flowers. Bringing it up to his nose to smell it- 

Y/n's head immediately started to pound, his vision hazy as he dropped the flower, his knees giving out from under him as he crashed to the floor. One of his hands gripping his hair, the other kept him balance to the floor as his vision began to fill with quick memories of a white-haired boy?? Smiling... his heart filling with the feeling of love and adoration... he loved him... he loved... Subaru?? That name... where did it... 

And as quickly as the vision started, it stopped. Y/n took a deep breath in as he looked around the garden, it was nice and calming when suddenly. It settled his nerves from what just happened prior. Until... he hears yelling. Y/n narrowed his eyes in the direction of it, pushing himself up and walking towards the noise. 

"The hell?" When he reahed the noise, he saw a... familiar white-haired boy hitting the tree. "Gee man, what did that tree ever do to you?" The unknown man turned around, at first, an anrgy expression on his face before it slowly morphed into a shocked expression. It seems I have that effect on these guys huh?

"Y/n?" The white-haired man called as he walked up to the other male, grabbing his hands and in general looking at him all over a confused look on his familiar face. It was like Laito's kiss, so familiar, it was scary. Was he...?

"Subaru?" Y/n whispered as the other stared at me for two more minutes before taking a step back before running at him at full speed.

"Y/n you bastard!" He yelled and hugged Y/n tightly, burying his face into the taller man's chest. Another small memory of a small white-haired boy who looked like the male in front of him flashed through Y/n's mind, his eyes soften their stare. I was... odd, why does he remember Subaru... but not the others?? Why is he so special?? The idea makes Y/n's insides churn. 

"Subaru..." Y/n whispered, it's not going to be fun to tell him the truth but he has to. "I need to be honest with you..." Subaru looked up, his big red eyes looked almost innocent, "I don't really...  remember anyone or anything from my past... really." Subaru's eyes widen as he pushed himself away from Y/n quickly, an almost offended look on his face.

"You forgot? Everything?" He asked, taking a few more steps back as Y/n nodded, giving the male his space.

"Yeah, but for some reason, I remember you... I remember holding you in my arms, reading books with you when it rained, and cuddling at night." Y/n gulped, why was he so nervous? Why did Subaru walking away from him... hurt? Subaru said nothing, unfortunately, he just simply nodding his head before returning to give Y/n another hug and buried his face into his chest. 

The duo stayed there an hour or so, cuddling and resting on the garden grounds until a pair of footsteps interrupts their moment of solitude. When they turn to see the source of the footsteps they see Reiji, glaring at two.

"Subaru it's time for school," The said male growled but nodded. Pushing Y/n away roughly, and walking past Reiji, hitting his shoulders as he does so. Reiji just rolled his eyes, following Subaru to the Limo, leaving Y/n all to himself... Well, not exactly, after the limo left Ethan popped his head out from the tree. Hanging upside down, his glasses fell to the floor.

"Quite peculiar." Y/n quirked a brow at Ethan before he slapped his cheek lightly.

"Like you are one to talk, Mr. Faery." Ethan seemed confused by the statement, but shrugged it off, handing Y/n his phone as it rings. The Caller ID simply saying 'The Flock', which Y/n groaned at but answered, giving Ethan a look at but he just mouthed 'It's time for work.' and points to his watch. 

"Yes, this is Y/n speaking." The said male gave Ethan a thumbs up and began to make his way towards the limo. Ethan no doubt following him.

"Hey Captain, it's Marren. I was wondering if you knew what happened to my whip?"

"Yeah, I think Noface took it"

"Ahh ok, thanks, Cap. Also, when will you be coming back?"

"Yeah yeah, and Marren, I won't be going back, but I will need you to get the flock packed up."

"Oh? What's going on?"

"I'll explain later, but for now, get over here." Marren hummed in response, "Good, see you then." Y/n said as he hopped in the limo, Ethan closing the door behind him before jumping into the driver's seat.

"Yeah, see you then Captain."


Shorter than the last two but that seemed like a good place to stop. Don't worry I'll add the school scene back in and make it longer UwU.))

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