Chapter 11

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Ima stop naming the chapters. Also the next update[UPDATE NOT CHAPTER] is gonna be a shitpost about me that I hope will make you laugh.))
(Y/n)'s POV
I stare at the floor silently as everyone else argues about what Kanato did, not for Yui but for me. Apparently Reiji got word of what Kanato did to me and got pisses at Ayato and Laito for not doing anything to prevent it-I swear Reiji acts more like my mother than Fiancé- and now Everyone is pissed off at Kanato because of what he did even if it was just a scratch.
"Guys I'm fi-" I suddenly get rudely interrupted bye Reiji.
"NO YOU ARE NOT!! AND THAT SCRATCH IS PROOF!!" He looks at me with an angry face his glasses all fogged up. I just sigh and shake my head.
"It's just a scratch not a life threatening stab." I reply calmly to which he just sighs to.
"Fine just-" He looks at Kanato." You control your temper. And you-" He looks at me."Watch what you do."
I just nod and get up from where I am.
"I'm heading to bed." I don't stay long enough to hear their response.
Kanato's POV
He seems so sad... Maybe I shouldn't have- NO that bitch deserved what she got! She was getting too touchy-feely with him so I had to let her know who he belongs to. I grit my teeth as I watch as he leaves and from the corner of my eye I see Laito smirking whispering something I can't make out.
Laito's POV
As much as it pains me to see him so depressed as he walks off... I can't help but stare at his nice ass.
"I hate watching you leave but I love watching you go."((IF YOU GET THAT REF YOU A AN AWESOME PERSON👍🏼)) I snap out of my day dream long enough to hear Subaru get up and run after (y/n). I'm not shocked (y/n) and Subaru have always been close, even if (y/n) hang out with me more than Subaru. He and Subaru where 'two pea's in a pot' as (Y/n)'s mother would put it. In fact it was because of Subaru that we all have arranged marriages with (Y/n), all because (y/n) confessed his love to Subaru. We where all against them being together, we where all even more against the fact of the arranged marriage but after spending more time with him we all gradually fell in love with him. We told him often that we love him but in the end he always reminded us why we where all in an arranged marriage in the first place with kisses, but a few months after our the decision of the marriage he started sharing those kisses that where once only reserved for Subaru which gave us all hope but then... He left and never came back, but now he's back. I sigh and look around, everyone looks dead.
Subaru's POV
I look around for (y/n) only to come to a deep thought of where he could have gone I have 2 choices-
A. His room
B. The garden
Have fun))

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