5 -The king of crime

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"Keep Walking Joker cause this is the late time you'll see the light of day" Bat Man said has he exported Joke to Arkham.

"haha say what you what bat i'll be back to get you hahahah "The Joker said.

"Well if it isn't the Bat himself i see you brought me a gift" Cassidy said 

'Yah well here  i better not fine him out " Bat said

We'll take it from here Cassidy said  has the guard took Joker 

"I take it i'll be back in my old cell"Joker said 

"Well it might not be your old one cause there some one in there but it will be the same set up okay Jokey"  Cassidy said.

"what .....no i want my old one cell i want it now Cassidy"Joker said madly.

"Fine i'll take you to see it but you can't stay" Cassidy said 

/with Harley

After a hour and a half in the living room i was happy to be in my room and remember that oh so nice Dr.Crane and how i knew he was up to some thing well i asked for a MP3 player and some speaker and got one so now i can swing to music well more like instrumental music  but same thing.

/Back with Cassidy they  are two halls away 

"Is it just my or do i hear music "Joker Asked ?

"No i hear it to well here we are and that's your old room but like i said it's someone else's " Cassidy said.

"Can we go in".Joker asked ?

"Anything for you" Cassidy said .

/with Harley 

ok all i have to do is jump and that should untangle my one leg crab crab crab crab great i'm  stuck hang upside down and i'm spinning in a circle what else could go wrong i said to my self has my music played loudly.

"And this is your old room up as you see we have someone in here just right now that person is not here so......"Cassidy said  

  "Cassidy"  i yelled !

"I thought you were in the living room with Ivy"Cassidy said. 

No i'm here just you know hanging around and who were you talking to my heart died when he enter the room it was the King of crime himself.

"Are you stuck hahahahah you are aren't  you" Joker laughed.

"No.......nomaybe " I said .

"Harley this is Joker Joker, Harley" Cassidy said. 

"Well it nice to see that you Want to hang around hahahahaha" Joker said 

"Hahaa very funny" i said sarcastically.

"Do you want some help" Joker Asked ?

"Did you just asked me if i wanted help cause if your not Joking then yes and if you are joking then fuck you" i said. 

"You should really watch your mouth cause really i could chock you to deaf right now if i wanted to" Joker said with a smirk .

"Joker just help her down" Cassidy said.

"Fine all i have to do is pull this" he said.

 As he pulled one sided of the rope the rope quick unraveled but i was unable to grab one of the ropes and i quickly fell just when i thought i would hit the ground...... i didn't ,i open my eye to see a white dressy shirt and a red vest .

"Nice of you to drop by" Joker laughed.

"Nice one and thank oh yah you can put me down now"i said.

"Joker  put her down and  let's go" Cassidy said.

 "NO i'm staying this and this are mine" Joker said with a smirk.

"Wow hey i'm still in your arms and not i am not yours" i yell!

"Oh shut it pretty  girl" Joker Snapped!

"Did he just call me pretty" i said to my self.

"Ok whatever you want just i know how well you and other get along i need this one to stay alive ,ok well i'll leave you two along". Cassidy said.

"There you go back to your oh so prefect floor" Joker said as he put me down.

"What in the world are you talking about" i asked.

"You that what i'm talking about" Joker yelled!

'Wow gees just forget i even asked" I said Rudely.

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