Chapter 10-My New Life Awaits.

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"Harley you will pay for this" joker said has Batman grabbed Joker

Batman look at me.

what he says right now determines if i go back to the hell whole or not.

Batman stared at me Just then he open this mouth to say something just.................

Cliff hanger (Not ).........what do you think he'll say

"Just stay in the car ok we'll be back in a minute"Batman said with a small smile.


Harley pov

So  it been three weeks since Joker was put in Arkham and i was let go to live my life.It turns out that i was in there for 3 years and now i'm 23. I'm going back to school since i was half why though psychology so way not finish school and get a job. Oh your probably wondering where i'm staying cause i live with my mom before this i'm staying in a little apartment near the end of town.

/At school two years later , last year of collage .

Mrs, Quinnzel the professor  said.

Hmm Yes professor what is, do you need me to do something i asked.

No Mrs, Quinnzel i got a call from Arkham asylum asking me to ask you if you maybe interested in a job interview .

Yes that sound like a good idea thank you so much i said.

Well you are at the top of your class so i see why they want you i'll call them and tell them you said yes ok the professor said.


Omg i'm getting a job you know what i need a drink i'll just stop by and get a thing of wine coolers.

Bring bring (H=harley B=Bruce  

H/hello .

B/hi  how was school?

H/oh it was great i got a job inter view i'm so happy .

B/why would you be happy about that ?

H/ugh well let me think not all of us are born into the riches family ever.


H/ Bruce you don't have to work to make a living you could just sit and do nothing and you still have money to what ever you want unlike the rest of us who have to work to make a living .

B/ok were'd you get a interview at ?

h/Arkham asylum .

B/but didn't they like i don't know kidnap you and stuff .

H/ but i need a job and it for a psychologist i'll fine ok and if you want maybe after we can have a drink or something ok.

B/ok good night Harleen .

H/good night Bruce.

at least i have one person who gives a crab about me.

ding .

oh i have a texts from my professor.

Hey Harley your Interview is Friday at 5pm at the Arkham asylum 

good luck.

oh ok well i better get some sleep.

so got my p.j on and pick a outfit for tomorrow.(that the outfit for tomorrow) 

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please don't point out spelling mistakes.

so sorry i haven't update in a while cause of school and stuff.

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