Phase I: Gentleman, Jacob.

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Chapter Five

Normally one would find Dirk in the library, where he spent most of his time studying. He would study multiple things; he would learn of old vampire tongues, of his ancestors, of alchemy, and of course, how to better himself in combat. Oddly enough, he was never found outside sparring. He read of a new fighting technique, and almost instantly he would master it. It was something that baffled everyone. Well trained soldiers, such as Equius, could never match up to Dirk's power and skill. It was one reason why he was so feared by the lower class vampires, or at least, they were the most obvious in showing it. The other, higher class clans, would rather be jealous of him than fearful. Most of them, such as the Maryam clan, or the Serket clan, had little to no chance of success against him. What were they compared to the Prince of Heart? Mere dust. Clans such as the Peixes, however, could land a strike or a punch - maybe both. But somehow, Dirk would always win.
He always contrasted his reputation of being a violent and cruel man when he sat in the library, specifically near the window. He would sit facing the glass, which would look out to the property's lush lawns. The moon - on clear nights - would shine down onto him as if it were a spot light cast down to him and only him. His fiery eyes would flick from word to word, image to image, instantly soaking up all the information he could. And his fingers, adorned with rings, would grip the edge of the page with such gentleness, it was hardly believable he could kill with them. He handled his books with such ginger touches, and he was too possessive to let anyone else read them. It was no wonder some books had gathered dust.

Dirk retreated to the study as soon as him and Jake arrived home after the party, as for Jacob, he retired for the night, and for most of the morning. It was three o'clock exactly when Equius woke up Jacob. He almost scolded the human for forgetting to dress into his uniform; a sleek black suit accompanied with a white shirt, black bow tie, and the family emblem pinned to the blazer. Jacob was rather sad when he saw his uniform get sprinkled with dust as soon as he began his work. That's all the servant did for two days; dust and sweep the entire manor. He managed to reach every nook and cranny, and dusted away the particles. He cleaned every room, save for the library. On his second day of cleaning, his last room was the one Dirk was occupying, and he was too afraid to enter. He just waited outside the closed door, watching his shoes as he waited. He began to realize that he hadn't eaten in almost two days, and sudden dizziness fell upon him. He was so stuck in the feeling of fear and anxiety that he forgot to eat! But now came the confrontation of facing his master, not only to disturb his studying, but now to demand for food. He gathered enough courage to turn and face the door, with a strong a face as he could pull, but instead he just felt pitiful. That's all he was to his master. A plaything, as all the other vampires would say. He stared at the door, his tall posture slowly wilting.
Equius, who was travelling to the stables, stumbled across a poor - starving Jacob - and he stared at him with confusion.
"Do you not know how to open doors?" He asked, his voice echoing in the hall. Jacob jumped and turned around,
"No... I mean yes, of course I do! It is just I am too- Will Dirk be okay with me going in there?"
"The Prince," He corrected Jacob, "and it depends. What do you want?"
"To clean." He said weakly.
Equius raised a brow, and secretly admired his will to work. So he simply nodded for him to go inside before he left to tend to his duties. Jacob took another few moments to brace himself before he opened the door.
The door creaked open, revealing a warm, bright room. A fire burned softly in the fireplace, and many candles burned in the room. Jacob rested his eyes on Dirk's elbow, since it was the only thing protruding from the large chair. Jacob took in the room for what he could see now - albeit through broken glasses. The room was small for a library, but the prince made use of what space he had. Every piece of wall was covered with bookshelf, save for the section above the fireplace, which seemed to hold a portrait of himself. His eyes got so lost in the colours of the books in the shelves, which made a rainbow of dark emerald and red, with some white or brown here and there. It was a truly satisfying set of shelves to look at.
"Yes?" Dirk asked, which made Jacob blink back into focus.
"I am here to clean," he simply stated. Dirk sighed heavily and twisted round so he could look at Jacob. His face was still that harsh, angular make, but in the soft lighting of the fire, it made him look just a tad less menacing.
"While I am in here?"
Jacob cleared his throat, "Every other room is clean, and you haven't left the room in a few days, so aye, if you do not wish to move, I will clean while you are in here."
Dirk raised a brow and placed the book he had in his hand down before taking the next one in his pile.
"Very well," he spoke with venom. Jacob stood still for a few seconds before he began to clean. Every once in while he would glance back at that painting of Dirk, as it felt like it was watching him, as if Dirk could see through the painting somehow. He moved too rigidly, and he appeared awkward. He was now finally in the same room as his master, and one wrong step could lead to dangerous territory.
Dirk, on the other hand, paid no attention his servant. His eyes, no longer on the page, but at his faded reflection in the window, stared with coldness. He stared with the lingering thought of his dear sister, and how she was trapped in a trance of lust. He stared for the entire period that Jacob was there for, and when Jacob noticed, Dirk did not look away. His eyes looked at Jacob's reflection instead. Jacob did not look away either. He looked at Dirk with a type of empathy. Their exchange of glances is what made Jacob realize how human they were; they were of a normal life, with familial problems and problems with the self. Never once before had Jacob seen such humanity in a beast's stare. Although he could not know of the specific problem, he could see stress in those eyes - he knew that look all too well.
"What is it?" Dirk asked, finally blinking.
Jacob blinked as well, and watched as Dirk turned to look at him properly.
"Oh nothing," Jacob replied. He walked over to retrieve the broom, but clumsily stumbled forward. Dirk huffed,
"What is the matter with you?"
Jacob only shook his head, and grabbed the broom, turning to leave the room. As he exited, weakness and overall hunger took over his body, and within an instant he was on the floor. Dirk's eyes widened and he got up. He walked to Jacob and leaned down to look at him, watching his servant push himself back up.
"What the hell, Jacob?"
"I'm alright, please do not worry," he reassured him. Dirk stood up and watched him,
"You do not look alright to me. Tell me what is wrong."
"Nothing, nothing." Jacob repeated tiredly, getting to his feet. He took a few steps before he completely fainted.
"Jesus Christ," Dirk added, before kneeling down. He froze up before he realized what the matter was, "I forgot humans needed food, fucking hell."

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