Phase I: Gentleman, Jacob.

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Chapter Eight

Jacob had never imagined of traveling the world, though he would always dream of it. His sweet Jade would tell him tales of where she had traveled to in her youth, to places such as China, Africa, and many places in Europe. She spoke of magnificent people she would meet. Some were generous and kind, while others were harsh and dismissive. She told Jacob to always be prepared for rude and selfish people in the world, for there was too many of them. She also told young Jacob to be wary of people who were too kind - they may be hiding, or planning something devious, she would say. A phrase Jacob would always remember was: "Never forget the people who are not only kind to you, but willing to protect you as well. When someone sacrifices themselves for you, know they will always have some form of care for you. Cherish them, for there are very few of them in the world."
Jacob could never let himself forget, along with the phrase, the way his grandmother looked as she spoke. Her expression would constantly change, from a shocked look, to a serious look, as she wanted to play every part, other than the narrator, in her stories. Her soft green eyes would glimmer every time she told these tales as well. They made her look close to tears, as the nostalgic past would sometimes call her name. If she could, Jade would run back into her past if she had the chance. That is what Jacob had always believed. Despite all the love she had for him, Jacob always saw a feeling of regret seep through Jade's smile. He ignored it best he could, and would try better himself for her every time he noticed it. In retrospect, the man knew he was a fool for caring too much for a woman who probably only rescued him because she felt the need to. Although gratitude was always blessed Jade's way, Jacob could not help but feel as if he did not need saving. No one wished for his freedom, other than him and his fellow slaves.
He would think about this more often than not, and when he did, his eyes dropped to the floor, and his heart ached. He let his head rest on his palm as he stared out the small gap in the curtain, which leaked in some orange light. Now and then the carriage would ride over a bump in the windy road, making him, the books around him, and his master jump a little. The carriage driver was more careless compared to Equius, who was instructed to stay home. The journey to Italy was long, requiring many stops, more for Jacob's sake than anyone else's. The carriage was mostly silent as well, accompanied by the occasional whisper to Dirk's self. He was studying books and notes, searching for answers that did not have a clear question to begin with. If he was not studying, he would be sleeping. Very rarely would the vampire and human exchange talks, and if they did, it would be Dirk instructing Jacob to hurry whenever they stopped. Jacob constantly thought of home, and of friends. He would think of his grandmother, of The Farm, of recent events, and of now. He would look at Dirk sometimes and think of his worries, of his fears. He would ponder of why he was the way he was, but of course, he was always too fearful to ask. It was not his voice, or his presence, but his eyes that struck cold into his chest and made him freeze. Dirk knew when his human would look his way, which did not bother him. He let the man look him over while he researched. Not once did his mind wander off onto another topic of worry or ponder. He would only think of Rufioh, and his new - but brief - power. He made links where he could, but right now, the investigation was not far in it's progress.

Eventually the pair found their way into Italy, more specifically, Rome. The carriage had parked outside an extravagant hotel, entitled Il lusso. It was decorated with pure white statues that guarded the entrance. A young man, about the age of a child, rushed to gather the two's luggage, and awaited before taking it to their room. Jacob gawked at the golds, whites, and silvers scattered across the lobby of the hotel - which included other guests. People of Italian origin, as well as other European countries, mingled. The women, who hooked their arms around their respective partner's arms, wore glistening dresses that would dazzle any lover of shiny things. Pearl and gem necklaces adorned their necks, and velvet gloves made their slender arms appear even more slim. The men varied in sizes though, with some being incredibly tall, other short and plump. Some wore smoker's jackets while other still wore their evening coats. It was most likely that they were all intoxicated, and filled to the brim with delicious food. The interesting gallery of people made Jacob stare until he was told to follow Dirk again. They traversed up the stairs until they arrived at their room. The boy opened the door for the two, letting them enter, before he hauled the luggage inside. Dirk had told him to leave them in the center of the room.
The room was lit brightly with candles, some on the wall, others poised on a chandelier. Door frames, legs of the sofa, and even the curtains were dressed with gold. The rug beneath their feet made Jacob feel like walking onto it was a sin. He could not resist kneeling down and feeling it's soft fabric. Dirk looked down at him and snickered before shooing the boy, and walking to the balcony. He swung the glass doors open, making the breeze throw the thin layered curtains up. The vampire stepped out into the moonlight, and he breathed in the air of Rome, where restaurants bustled, and the streets were overpopulated. While Dirk took this place as his second home, and was used to the magnificent surroundings, Jacob rushed to each thing, admiring it, before stepping outside too. He permanently carried a smile, his cheeks slightly pink. He took in the atmosphere with open arms, excitement making his chest feel numb.
Dirk watched him closely, taking in the smallest details about him. He grinned ever so slightly, and finally cleared his throat,
"So?" he asked. Jacob looked at him like an excited child,
"Jesus Christ on a bicycle, this is the most beauteous sight I have ever lay my eyes upon. This place is more than I have ever dreamed of it looking. Thank you for bringing me along,"
"Of course. You are my most important servant, and I am glad you are here. Jade had told me of your desire to travel," he turned around and strode back inside.
"I beg your pardon. When did you hear from her?" Jacob stepped after him, raising a brow,
"I speak to her often, informing her that I know of your travels, and that you are safe,"
"Oh, I understand. Do you know how she is doing?" Jacob watched Dirk pour some wine into a beautiful, crystal, glass.
"She is doing well, Jacob. Though she is being rather vague of what she is doing with herself now," he replied as he looked up at him and took a sip of his drink. Jacob nodded, and was happy to know she was well. He looked back at the wine, and could not help but snatch a glass of it. He chose the red wine, and casually poured it into a crystal glass. He took a small sip, and could only smile at the wonderful taste of it. He then looked back at his master, who was back on the balcony. They both looked at the bright skyline of the city, and simply enjoyed it. The muffled noise of music came from every direction, from the restaurant across the street, to the band downstairs. All over people laughed, cheered, and talked. Dirk would be keen to join the crowd downstairs, but was too preoccupied with current situations. Though he knew of the excitement that glowed off the human. Jacob was ready to hurry downstairs, and meet locals, and travelers. Though he knew that his master would not allow it, for he was too busy with the recent drama. Almost instantly the two looked at each other, speaking at the same time:
"I know you're busy with this current situation and all but-" Jacob started,
"I understand you want to head downstairs-" Dirk spoke. They both froze, and Jacob chuckled a little. Dirk only grinned slightly. The prince gestured for Jacob to continue, but he refused, and ushered the prince to continue first. Dirk rolled his eyes, and continued to speak,
"I understand you want to head downstairs, but I do not want you to go alone. I will accompany you," he then took a sip of his wine. Jacob shook his head slightly,
"Please, I can take care of myself-"
Dirk denied, "There are vampires here as well. I do not want any shit on the first night. Now finish your wine, find a better outfit, and let us make our way downstairs."

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