Phase II: Light, However Brief

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Chapter Twelve

"Why would Jane die?" Jacob asked her, his eyes trying their best not to look over her body. 
"The Goddess is a strange woman. She only allows the turned to be turned if they will serve a purpose. If she deems then weak, or just overall useless, she will leave them to die."
"I do not think Jane is useless," Jacob replied.
"None of us do, but none of us know what our Goddess is thinking either," she sadly replied, moving away from him.
Jacob then sat with his hands in his lap as Rose got up and swayed over to her wardrobe. She opened the large doors, making a small wind that wafted expensive perfume toward Jacob. He felt so foolish, and he so sure Rose knew, and that was why she kept him in her room. She pulled out a silk nightgown and slipped into it, humming a tune to a song.
"Oh Jacob darling," she cooed, "come help me here will you?" Jacob's head shot up, and he got to his feet. He walked up to her. She was reaching over her shoulder with those scrawny arms. He was afraid if she stretched too far they would break.
"Please tie these strings for me," she requested. Jacob swallowed hard, and with nervous hands, took hold of the thin string on the back of the nightgown. According to Jacob, this wasn't even considered a nightgown, but rather lingerie. It was incredibly short; it was just above her knees, with no sleeves. Instead, straps hung from her bony shoulders, that were connected to the strings at the back, which had to be fastened in order to keep the whole thing intact. Jacob could not fail, or he would be embarrassed for life, and further beyond that.
"It just needs to be in a knot, Jacob," Rose hummed. Jacob nodded, and proceeded to make a good enough bow.
"That should be good enough," he gave the woman a smile. She turned around and thanked the butler before she continued readying herself for bed.

"How has Dirk been treating you, Jacob?" his name always rolled off her tongue beautifully, as did every other word. Jacob liked the way she said his name, unlike with Dirk. His master always made Jacob's name sounded sour in his mouth as if he wanted to spit it out. Either that, or he said it too slowly like a parent would to a disobedient child. Jacob was unsure of which tone to fear more. 
He stuttered, "fine. He's still rather frightening, but I am not sure if he can help that or not." Rose giggled gently as she put out all the candles in her room save for the two by her bed. Jacob noticed all this, and he began to grow nervous. 
"He cherishes you," she added, stopping in front of him, taking his hand and leading him to what he thought was the bed. Rather she took him passed the bed and to the balcony outside. 
"Oh?" he cleared his throat.
"Of course. You have not only earned his trust, but some of us have a particular feeling that he might want to enjoy your company." 
Jacob almost choked, "I beg your pardon."
Rose looked up at him, a somewhat smug smirk on her lips, "It is only speculation, Jacob."
"It's a rather big assumption, no?" he huffed. She shook her head, 
"It is the same as saying Jane wants to enjoy you as well," she added. Jacob tensed, feeling rather awkward about all of this. He chewed on his lip furiously, and he began to fiddle with the buttons on his waistcoat, 
"Roxy might want to enjoy you as well," 
"Please stop saying that... do these people think I am just an object?" he asked, flustered,
Jacob blinked, staring down at her before he sighed. He was not enjoying himself one bit. He was always somewhat aware that ladies within his neighborhood wanted to be with him, though this was too much for him. At least the women wanted a family with him. These predatorial beasts, and Jane, just wanted to enjoy him. What on Earth did that mean. Jacob thought intensely about it, and Rose noticed. Her smug smile turned more sweet, and she took Jacob's hand. Before she could speak, Jacob yanked his hand away,
"What? Do you just want to enjoy me too?" he spoke in a panicked way. Rose's brows raised, and she left her hand in the air. When that happened, her nightgown came undone, and the whole garment gracefully dropped to the floor. Jacob's eyes instictively shot down to her breasts, and shot even lower. Jacob immediately spurting out apologies as he knelt down to pick up the nightgown,
"Here... let me," he started, and then went frozen at the sound of his master's voice,
"What are you doing?" he sternly spoke. Rose's lavender eyes rested upon her two brothers, David snickering as he tried to keep quiet. Jacob turned around gripping the clothing item tightly, "I am..." he turned back to Rose, "apologies Rose, I didn't mean to-" as he spoke he was interrupted, "we're going home." Dirk commanded. 
Rose took the nightgown from Jacob and gently laughed. She cupped his cheek and kissed the other, 
"Like I said, it is merely flesh," she hummed. Jacob gave her a nod and then stepped backward, his shoulder bumping into the door. He then turned around and rushed to catch up with his master.

The carriage ride home was a long, silent one. Jacob had red cheeks for the entire journey as well. He was absolutely ashamed of himself, and he wasn thinking of what she said. Was she being serious about everyone fancying him. Rather, more importantly, is Jane useless in the eyes of the Night's Goddess. He thought all up until he had finished his chores for the evening. He wondered what the Goddess saw in him, and what purpose he would fulfill for the creatures of the night, as well as if he could achieve her wishes or not. 

When he completed his tasks, he made his way outside, where he walked the gardens with his pup. She was running all about the gardens, her piercing eyes shooting through the darkness just as his were. As he walked, he took note of a statue down at the end of the garden. It was an old thing, covered in mold, chipped and broken, as if no one craed for it. Before he could clarify whether he wanted to try or not, he ran inside and back out, his pistol in his hand. He went as far back as he could, and then pointed his pistol at the statue. He hoped that he would not get into trouble for doing such a thing. He relaxed his arms as he held his firearm, closed one eye, and took a deep breath in. As the barrel aligned with the head of the statue, he squeezed the trigger. Within a second the bullet caused the statues head to shatter into pieces. It was a perfect shot. While Jacob was a good shot before, he was never as accurate as he was then. He blinked and he looked down at his gun. He gave a nod as he grinned,
"Perhaps swords aren't my forte, but oh lord I love pistols," he spoke.
"Nice shot!" Dirk yelled from his bedroom window. Jacob jumped at the sudden comment and turned to look at him. Before Jacob could thank him, Dirk continued,
"Now come sleep. The sun will rise soo, you fool." Jacob looked up to the sky, which was gaining colour from the sun. He cursed as he ran back inside. He bid his master and fellow servants farewell before he went to his quaters. While his eyes rested, his mind never got the rest it needed.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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