Chapter 1

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A/N  Idk if this should be a warnings or a heads up, I'm writing this with a lot if descriptive details


I'm always tempted to talk to this girl. The girl with the biggest wings I've ever seen. I always here rumors about her so many bad ones, there is rarely any good ones. I talked to Tyler many times. He's down below enjoying his life with Jenna his wife. I'm happy i got to explore my time on earth traveling and doing what I love. But I'm guessing it was my time to go. I really don't remember when it happened all I remember is I got in a car. Everything up until then is faint.

I know i had a very good life because one of my own guardian angels has told me I've been a good person. I've helped a lot of people from what I've heard so far. I'm actually going to talk with Sharon my angel who watched me down below. So she gives me privileges to go see him since ive been a good person

"Hey hun, how have you been since last time we talked?"

"I've been good. I want to talk about you with something." i said walking into her office and i sat down and a puffy chair that feels like Heaven . "Sure go ahead J."

"Okay there is this girl who surrounds my mind she is always sitting there on the hill, her hill actually, ive talked to Tyler and asked him if should go talk to her, He told me i should go for it, i know you say I'm going to be delusional for about a year and a half up here but its only been three months."

"Well i should say you should go for it. But i'd say you should talk to her guardian angel. Do you know her name because i can look for her angel and all three of us can arrange a meeting to see what ways you can approach her carefully." she said looking through my files.

"This would be amazing please, i want to have this happen, Can i visit Tyler and Jenna and talk about this with them?"

"Yes you can honey. How many hours do you want doll?"

"Four or five hours please, thank you."

"Sure thing let me ring him now so he can clear the next five hours for your visit."

"Thank you so much Sharon i really appreciate everything you've done for me so far."

"Mhm my pleasure." She picks up the phone and it starts to talk to Jenna this time and that they actually have a good schedule for me to go visit them right away.

"Alright hun they are ready for your visit, go on to the tube ill send you down."

I have done this many time so I'm used to the affects of visiting people, well more like Tyler and Jenna.


"Hey man, your already here wow, long time no see, i mean you saw us two days ago but hey i mean i still love you visiting us." Tyler said as he opened the door.

"I've been good, hey so i talked about the girl with Sharon, she is also encouraging me to talk to her, she said i can visit you guys for five hours today so this is serious, she is even arranging a meeting with her angel." i said really happy about this.

"Really, wow man I'm happy for you, i mean this must be really serious if you want to talk to her."

"Yeah man you see the thing is she has really big wings and when i mean big they are big they are ten times the size of a Victoria's secret models wings and her body frame just fits everything i haven't see her face since she covers her face with her wings but she is so mysterious and i love it." i said with a lot of passion

"Speaking of wings. Josh how are yours coming in?" Jenna said.

"Very nice actually, they give us a lot of white clothes so i don't have to worry about getting these dirty, but they are coming in nicely the are at the third stage which is almost to fully grown all i need is the fourth stage." i said standing up to show them how they pop out and expand.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2016 ⏰

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