Chapter 1

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"There he is.." my friend Marie pointed out Diggy to me outside as he walked across the playground with his gang of friends. We were sitting on the benches in the outside eating area and it wasn't that crowded in here as we ate our lunch at school. Diggy was a Junior and so were we. He looked over at where we were and waved to me and I gave a small wave back and he smiled. "He's just so..." I said, gazing at him as he walked along.

"I don't get what you see in him.." my other friend Kayla sighed to me stabbing at her pasta with her fork. "He's a jerk. He knows you like him and he's off doing that.. " she said reinforcing the only quality about Diggy I didn't like; his love for attention. "I don't like it either, but not everyone is perfect.." "You're too perfect for him. You're like, everything and he's hanging around so many girls all the time and you're a lady. You carry yourself well. He ain't serious about anything, he's a player. And he plays basketball.." Kayla said again whilst fishing her chicken from the masses of sauce and pasta tubes among it.

"That's the one thing I love. A guy that does sports.." I said. I watched Diggy go from the outside area with his friends to the main canteen inside the school. I saw him, hugging other girls, openly flirting. He had the perfect smile and everything, I knew he was an attention-seeker and he liked being chased and I knew he knows I like him. Why couldn't I just forget this crush? I thought to myself. "You know, you just need to forget him. Avoid him for a few weeks... see how that plays out. I ignore him in my maths lessons and he sits on my table, he ain't serious. And besides, it's easy. " Kayla suggested. "Yeah, boys hate being ignored." Marie nodded and I just stared down at my lasagne that was half-eaten on my plate as I contemplated the decision. 

Two weeks had passed and I'd successfully gone both weeks ignoring Diggy. He'd come over and say hi to us like he normally did but I had a frosty and uninterested approach and I don't think he picked up on it.. I went many a time checking my phone every so often and looking at his profile just so I could see if he was online or even to stare at his profile picture. I was controlling myself and I was proud, he wasn't the right guy for me.. I headed out of my English lesson and down the corridor like I normally would to go to girls's basketball practice like I did every Thursday lunchtime. As soon as I got changed and went into the sports hall, he was there..

"Hi.." Diggy said to me, leaving one of the girls he was talking to and giving her the basketball. She stood there and looked at it in her hands, puzzled... "What are you doing here?" I asked him, these little butterflies appeared in my stomach but my hard heart and common sense kept them at bay. "I'm doing basketball.." he said. "No you're not." "Yeah I am.. the coach is off sick for a few weeks.. and I offered to coach for him while he's away.." "great..." I said sarcastically and looked away from him, my attention obviously drawn elsewhere. I was bored of him now, but his charm made me stay. 

"Why have you been avoiding me?" He asked and I paused before replying. "I haven't.." "You have. You don't say hi to me, you don't hug me back, you don't text me anymore and now Kayla doesn't talk to me in Math.." "That's not my doing, I'm not Kayla.." I replied, folding my arms. Just then, Kayla and Marie came in the sports hall in their basketball clothes, their faces were like mine when I saw Diggy; confused and taken aback at why he was at our practice sessions.

"What the..?" Kayla asked, pointing at Diggy. "Why are you here?" Marie asked. "I'm coaching you guys.." he stated and their faces were shocked and surprised. "What about Coach Martin?" Kayla questioned him. "He's off sick.. I'm covering for a few weeks.." Diggy responded. He then instructed Kayla and Marie to put their bags down at the back of the hall and do some stretches before he turned to me..

"So you won't tell me..?" He said looking at me and still searching for an answer from before. "No I won't. I'm sure you know, it's just not that obvious to you.." "Well, give me a few weeks and you'll tell me then?" he asked, raising his eyebrow and enticing me with a little, flirty smile but I kept my face straight and almost emotionless. "Fine.." I shrugged. He turned to the girl he gave the basketball to and she threw it - badly- to Diggy and he almost shoved it in my chest when he passed it to me. "Make four of the next ten shots and you don't have to do any laps.." he said in an orderly-like voice and walked halfway down the court observing me holding the ball. I sighed and walked to the free-throw line and prepared to take a shot. Oh this would be fun.. -__-

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