1| Potter's Attempt

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I turned on my heel angrily, my cheeks flushed and my eyes filled with tears. I stormed away, my arms behind me, my fists clenched.

"Lily!" A familiar, broad voice called after me. I didn't bother to look back. He got me into this mess. He's the reason all this happened. He ruined my life. Stupid Potter.

I opened my mouth to talk back, but no words came out. No words could describe my current mood. All the anxiety building up, adding more weight on my shoulders.

Little did they know, I wasn't that strong, and I couldn't hold that much weight. I had already fallen, now I was just slowly breaking.

I breathed heavily, closing my eyes. I tried calming myself down. I tried thinking this all through, trying to make some reasoning out of it.

There was no reasoning. I had given Severus no reason to call me a mudblood. I was his friend. I was kind to him. I stuck by his side when it got rough.

I furiously wiped off a tear rolling down my cheek with the sleeve of my pale pink sweater. I continued running up the hill. I wanted it to end. All of it.

"Evans!" Another voice echoed through the nothingness. The world was just a blur to me. My brain was fogged up. I was trapped with myself and my thoughts. That was it.

It seemed like hours before I finally reached the castle. All I wanted to do was go sit in my dormitory alone. I hoped that Marlene wasn't there to ask me questions and cheer me up. I didn't need that. I didn't need anyone.

I scowled when I heard footsteps behind me, getting closer and closer. I didn't dare look behind me. I didn't want to know who it was. But a familiar scent of cologne told me anyways.

"What do you want?" I asked, trying to fasten my pase, my arms at my side. I could hear the feet continue to shuffle, now going a little faster than before.

"Lily, are you-"

"Okay? Yeah, I'm fine. Brilliant, actually." I retorted, not letting Potter finish his sentence. I can tell he caught note of my sarcasm.

"Do you need anything?" Potter asked calmly. I still didn't bother to look back at him. He didn't need to see my face. He didn't need to know that I was crying.

"Yeah. Privacy. Now go away." I told him angrily, now practically running towards my dormitory. The thought of sitting in the darkness alone excited me currently.

I smiled slightly to myself when I heard the footsteps behind me stop. The scent went away, and I was finally alone again.

I quickly walked up the marble staircase as it turned. I kept my hand on the railing, so I didn't fall. Then again, it would be nice to just fall down. Maybe lose my memory. Forget it all.

I finally reached the common room. I took a breath of relief and looked at the Fat Lady.

"My dear, you look dreadful." The Fat Lady told me, turning around dramatically. I rolled my eyes and wiped another tear off my face.

"Fortuna Major." I said impatiently, tapping my foot. The Fat Lady sighed and swung open. I nodded and walked in.

I ran up to my dormitory, before the two people in the common room saw me. I covered my face with my hand.

I opened my dormitory door that I shared with Marlene, Emilee, and Holly, and slammed it shut quickly. I scanned the room to make sure nobody else was there, then I sat down on my bed with a sigh.

I had come to the conclusion that it wasn't going to get better like everyone said.


"Lily?" A quiet voice asked slowly. I heard the door push open, along with footsteps. I pretended to be asleep, hiding my tear-stained face in my pillow.

I heard more footsteps follow these ones, cautiously approaching me as if I were a hungry lion. Now that I think of it, I was hungry. Very hungry. I hadn't eaten since breakfast.

"Lily?" Another voice asked. The footsteps got closer and closer. I gave up. I sat up and faced my friends.

"Oh, Lily. James told us." Marlene said in pity, sitting down and pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back. I felt safer in her arms. Happier.

"What did James care?" I asked, pulling away from the hug suddenly. Holly looked at me sadly, still standing.

"He says you sounded miserable." Holly explained to me, sitting down on my other side that wasn't occupied by Marlene. I looked from Marlene to Holly.

"Well- that's a lie, because I'm fine." I lied, crossing my arms. Both Marlene and Holly stared me down, trying to find out the truth by reading my eyes.

"You sure?" Marlene asked unsurely, huffing. I nodded at her and faked a smile. She and Holly exchanged confused looks, then shrugged.

"Now come on, we gotta get to Defense Against The Dark Arts." Marlene told me, taking my hand and dragging me upwards until I was on my feet.

"Oh- I'll meet you there." I assured her, giving her a solemn look. Marlene gave me an are-you-sure look, which I nodded at.

"Okay, see you there!" Holly called, and with that they walked out of the room, waving and looking back. I waved at them, the fake smile still plastered on my face.

As soon as the door shut after them my normal expression took over my features. My sad, boring, ugly expression.

I checked my watch to see that I had twenty minutes. My heart jolted and I quickly sat up and dashed to my vanity, brushing out my red, snarly hair.

I lazily pulled it into a bun, not bothering to pull in the few strands still hanging loosely. I snatched my makeup bag and took out my mascara, putting it on my lashes quickly.

"Dammit!" I whispered when a chunk of mascara fell in my eye, momentarily blinding me. I lazily wiped my eye with my finger and groaned, fetching my eyeliner.

I glared at the makeup, then sighed when I glanced at my watch. I only had fifteen minutes left, and five of those were walking. I threw my eyeliner back in the bag.

I groaned and ran to my closet, flipping through outfits. Finally, I found my robes that were a bit too big for me. I shrugged and grabbed my sweater, skirt, and tie as well.

Hopping on one foot, I slipped on my socks, followed by my black shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror unsurely. I frowned and grabbed my quill and homework. It would have to do.

I checked my watch. Seven minutes. I opened the door and quickly ran to my next class, tucking my loose hairs behind my ear.

I reached the classroom one minute early, along with Marlene, Holly and Sirius. I rolled my eyes and steered clear of Black, my homework and quill in my arms. But no, Black had to bother me.

"Hey, Evans-"

"Save it." I told him, motioning for him to be quiet with my hand. He frowned and grabbed my hand gently, putting it down.

He gave me an upset look, arms crossed. I sighed and walked into the classroom quickly, making sure he didn't make an effort to talk to me again.

It worked. He made sure to sit far away from me. I let out a breath of relief and sank down in my seat happily, not even noticing that someone else was taking a seat next to me.

I turned to my right and nearly fell out of my chair. Of all the people to sit next to, Severus Snape sat by me.

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