4| Creating A Memory

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"Lily, wake up!" A voice said, followed by a soft giggle. I groaned and rolled over, reaching for a pillow to put on top of my head.

I frowned when I couldn't feel a pillow anywhere nearby. Knowing myself, I probably knocked it off my bed. I'm a real tosser.

"C'mon, Lils." Another voice whispered. I closed my eyes even tighter, scrunching up my entire freckled face.

"Don't make me get Marlene." The first voice said. I shot up in my bed, opening my eyes quickly. The last thing I needed was Marlene McKinnon trying to wake me up. I shivered at the thought.

"What?" I asked with a tired voice, followed by a loud and obnoxious yawn. I rubbed my eyes and nearly fell out of my bed when I saw the dormitory.

Balloons were scattered everywhere. Confetti was magically falling from the ceiling. A few presents were at the foot of my bed, with colorful wrapping paper.

I gasped, waking my cat, Luna up. She looked around and blinked, going back to sleep.

"You guys!" I exclaimed, my eyes wide with shock. My mouth fell agape and I had to keep looking around for another glance.

"Do you like it?" Marlene giggled. They tricked me into waking up. I guessed she was going easy on me for my birthday, though. Thank Dumbledore.

I nodded quickly, smiling brightly.

"Happy birthday!" Emilee said happily from her bed. She was sitting calmly, her legs crossed. I gave her a grateful grin.

"Go on, open your presents!"


"Happy birthday, Lily." Remus Lupin said to me in the corridors. I smiled at him gratefully, followed by a nod.

"Thanks, Remus." I told him, hugging my books tighter. He smiled and continued down the hallways, his shoes clicking against the floors.

I went the opposite direction. My intention was to go outside and read a bit. I just wanted to enjoy myself, now that I was sixteen, of course.

I opened the doors and walked out into the frosty air. I quickly set my books down on the ground and shuffled in my large coat pocket, pulling out a hat. I pulled it on my head.

I continued down the pathway, off to my secret place. I liked to sit there and enjoy myself. Whether I was doing homework, reading, or just thinking.

When I finally arrived to the spot under a large willow tree, I gasped. I had forgotten my books on the ground earlier!

I gave a frustrated sigh and began walking back to the castle, but I bumped into someone, stopping me in my tracks.

I nearly fell, but the person caught me. I looked up and met the hazel eyes behind glasses. He always had to be where I was, that Potter.

"Er- you forgot these." He told me simply, holding out my books. I gasped and gratefully took the books, smiling up at him. My cheeks were red from the cold wind.

He looked at the ground covered in a soft layer of snow, then back up at me, with a look like I was going to leave him at that second. We stood there for what felt like hours until he cleared his throat.

"I, uh- I also have this for you." He said, reaching in his pocket and pulling out a tiny box wrapped in gold, shimmering paper. I smiled at him brightly.

"James, you didn't have-"

"I wanted to." He assured me, pushing the box towards me a little more, urging me to open it. I gratefully took the box and slowly tore the wrapping paper.

I opened up the lid of the box and gasped. It was the necklace I was looking at at Hogsmeade earlier this year!

"Thank you!" I yelped, wrapping my arms around him, dropping my books entirely. He froze for a second, then put his arms around me in return. A smile etched it's way onto my lips.

"Happy birthday." He said as we separated, a smug smile on his face. I smiled even brighter and nodded merrily.

We both stood in another awkward silence.

"I have somewhere I wanted to go with you, if that's okay." James told me nervously, scratching behind his neck.

My eyes widened in shock, and I nodded quickly, not losing eye contact with him. He smiled and reached out his hand.

I took it and a feeling of warmth and comfort took over me. I felt safe when I was with him.

He began walking and I followed, practically skipping. He smiled at this.

"Where are we going, anyways?" I asked after about three minutes of walking. James looked over at me with a miscevious grin on his face.

"You wanted to be able to cast a patronus?" James asked. I simply nodded in response, furrowing my eyebrows down in confusion.

"Well, in order to do that you need a happy memory." He explained, still grinning. "And I thought we could make one."

I blushed, making him blush slightly as well.

I was taken aback that he actually wanted to go somewhere with me. The nerd girl, Lily Evans. I shrugged and kept walking alongside him.

Our arms were both swinging, our hands still held together.

He quickly pulled his hand away from mine, making me flinch slightly. Did he not want to touch me? Did he realize how weird I was?

My thoughts were interrupted by a cold clump hitting me on the face. I gave an evil smile when I realized the source of it.

I wiped the snow off my face and bent down on the ground, laughing. I quickly formed a snowball and threw it at James, hitting him in the chest.

He started laughing as well as he formed another snowball. I smiled even brighter when an idea popped into my head.

James turned around with another snowball in his hands to be greeted by several snowballs nailing him. I laughed even louder and lowered my wand.

He stuck his tongue out at me and pulled out his wand, faking a surprised look when he saw it. I giggled and ducked down, avoiding six snowballs flying my way.

"Is that all you got, Potter?"

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