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The next day James had went back to avoiding me. I guessed I should have saw it coming, I mean, maybe he was just trying to be polite. By the end of the night I still couldn't cast a patronus charm, for I didn't have a memory happy enough.

I shrugged to myself as I walked down the corridor, making a few people give me strange looks. I bit my lip and continued down the hallway.

"Hey, Evans!" Someone called after me. I looked back and groaned, rolling my eyes. I tried walking faster, but Sirius Black was a fast runner, I tell you.

"What do you want?" I asked, stopping in my tracks and crossing my arms. A panting Sirius looked up at me, smiling.

"I just want to walk with you." Black told me calmly, nodding his head. I nodded with a sigh and continued walking, Sirius on my tail.

"So, what's up?" Sirius asked, pretending to sound interested. I rolled my eyes and continued walking, my feet skidding across the floors.

"Clearly not your feet." I heard Sirius mumble under his breath after a moment of silence. I flashed him a dirty look, which he gave an innocent smile to.

"Listen, I-"

"No, you listen." Sirius interrupted me with a sudden stern glare. I gave him a confused look, which he sighed at, biting his lip.

"Why aren't you talking to anyone?" Sirius asked me, a suspicious glare on his face. I backed away from him slightly.

"I'm talking to you right now." I pointed out, crossing my arms. He rolled his eyes at me without even smiling at me like he usually did.

"That's not what I meant." Black continued, trying to see through me. I looked away from him quickly. His eyes were burning into my soul.

"Then what did you mean?" I asked him, a frown making it's way onto my pale lips.

"You being called a mud-"

"I have to go." I bursted out, storming away. I didn't look behind me to see the disappointed Sirius Black that I stranded.


I sat in the common room with Emilee. She was the kind of friend you could tell anything to, and they wouldn't ever mention it again, or judge you for it. She was the best.

Although I knew she could keep a secret, I didn't tell her about the whole Snape situation. I didn't need her worrying about my problems.

"So he caught up to me again." I groaned at the memory, leaning back in my seat. Emilee made an angry expression, telling me she was listening.

"He's stupid, I hope you didn't listen to him." Emilee told me, leaning her head on her hand. I nodded and blinked.

Emilee and I both jumped when the common room door swung open.

Of course, with my luck, James Potter walked in the common room, a slightly sad expression taking over his usually cheerful face.

He looked at me and Emilee and stopped. We all stood in an awkward silence.

I shook my head and stood up, making a sort of 'welp' sound. I walked over to the girl's dormitory staircase.

"Potter." I said at the end of the stairway with a nod. I slowly turned around and headed up the stairs, my hand rubbing against the railing.

Saving Evans | JilyWhere stories live. Discover now