6| The Kiss

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Lily gets grabbed from her common room by Severus Snape, to be dragged down the hallway by him to Myrtle's bathroom. He claims he's going to erase her memory and prepares to cast the spell only to be interrupted by Lily's hero, James! But, when Lily knows what Snape's about to do to James, she jumps in front of him. "Sectum Sempra!" And Lily was out.


My eyes shot open and darted around the room. Sweat was running down the side of my freckled face as I slowly attempted to sit up. I felt a crazy stinging pain in my stomach. I groaned and fell back down.

Where was I? The only sights I could catch we're a white pillow and a ceiling. I heard footsteps coming towards me and froze. What if it was Severus again coming to erase my memory?

"Lillian Evans." A firm woman's voice said. I let out a breath of relief, making me flinch at the pain it caused in my side. I heard a quill scratch on paper.

Out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of a woman with a hat and apron. Madam Pomfrey. I was in the hospital wing.

But how did I get here? Who took me? Who found me? James. Wait. James! What did Severus do to him!

"Madam Po-"

"Shush now. You need rest." Madam Pomfrey interrupted me. I gave her a stern look ever though I knew she didn't see it.

"Just lis-"

"My other patient is asleep and you don't need to wake him up as well!" Madam Pomfrey whisper-yelled.

Her other patient? Her other patient! James!

I shot up, and despite the unbearable pain I looked around to see who else accompanied me in the hospital wing. Not James, anyone but James!

I blinked quickly when I found a bed that was occupied seven down from mine. I squinted, trying to make out who it was. I couldn't see. I just had to-

"Lily Evans, I don't know you to misbehave, but you are getting on my last nerve!" Madam Pomfrey said, tapping my shoulder and causing me to fall back into the bed once again. I groaned quietly.

"Is James Potter here?" I asked quickly, hoping she wouldn't interrupt this time. She froze and turned to me. I could feel my stomach slowly sinking, awaiting her response.

"He just left an hour ago when I told him to get some rest and do his homework. He's been here for the past three days, though." She told me, continuing to write on her clipboard.

I let out a breath of relief. Just as the anchor that was sinking in my stomach faded, the butterflies replaced it. He was here?

"Now get to sleep, Evans."

I smiled and closed my eyes.


James wrapped his arm around my waist, helping me stand up as I walked out of the hospital wing. I felt butterflies fluttering around in my stomach as I felt him lean against me, even just in the slightest.

"Lily, I'm so sorry." He told me turning to face me. His hazel eyes met my green ones and I couldn't help but feel like I was in the most perfect place. My eyes traveled down his face, scanning his features. They locked in his lips that I just wanted to ki- Lily stop it!

"Sorry for what?" I asked him, shaking my head slightly and meeting his eyes once again before we continued walking.

"I came to save you. But all I did was get you- oh Merlin, Lily, I thought you were going to die." He said honestly. I could feel him pull me a little tighter. I loved how he clinged to me. I loved how protective he was.


"When you fell, Snape ran for it. He didn't care what he did to you. You deserve so much better."

We both stopped in the middle of the empty hallway. My eyes met his once more and I could see his slowly travel down to my lips. He gave me a look as if asking permisson. But he didn't need permission.

I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing his lips gently. I've kissed two boys in my life, one in first grade, and one was a prank directed towards me, (don't ask), but this. This was real. You would never think that touching mouths with someone would be so special but- I felt loved for the first time in- well a long time.

When we stopped I rested my forehead against his. My lips curved into a smile. I just kissed my arch nemesis for 6 years. And I enjoyed it. Hell, I'd give everything I had to do it again!

"Was- was that okay?" He asked me, slowly backing away with a nervous expression on his face. I smiled brightly and nodded. I saw the worried look fade and the normal James Potter face return.

"WAS THAT OKAY? MERLIN'S BEARD, JAMES, NERD DOWN!" I heard a familiar voice echo through the hallway. My face immediately turned red and I looked to my left to find the one, the only, Sirius Black.

James was about to retort. but I interrupted him.

"OH, BOO HOO! GET YOUR OWN GIRL TO KISS INSTEAD OF WATCHING US, BLACK!" I shouted, cupping my hands around my mouth. James and I both began laughing as Sirius smiled secretly through his frown and turned away, walking the opposite direction of us.

"So, where were we?" I asked. I grabbed his hand and we continued down the hallway. Potter, the arrogant jerk who I hated, was now James, the sweet gentleman who I adored.


Whoa this has been quite a while, huh? A way long while! But I had to write Jily I could not go another minute without it! SHIPSHIPSHIP!

By the way, I've never kissed anyone. Nope, no thank you, I'm waiting to meet a real James Potter. So, I have absolutely no idea how to kiss or anything! (whoa I'm not weird what) So. That's that.

But thanks for reading!

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