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The end of the school day was fast approaching and in one way Edd couldn't wait but in another way he dreaded going home--both feelings were because of Kevin. Scenarios kept playing in his head while he was in Government. He kept thinking about Kevin possibly telling him he was gay and into Edd, but he would quickly push those thoughts away. The thoughts kept creeping back into his mind as he tried desperately to focus on what his teacher was telling the class. When the bell to go to ninth period rang, Edd was relieved that his last class was a study hall. He didn't receive any homework but he could at least read his book to take his mind off of the issue that was clawing at his brain.

As he walked into study hall, his heart sank. Kevin was in his study hall. Yes, Kevin was in his math class, which was actually calculus, and he was also in his art class, but he was able to ignore him during those periods. In study hall he knew that Kevin would try to pester him.

He sat in the only available seat, which happened to be next to Kevin in the back row. Oh, yay, just my luck! He complained to himself.

Kevin noticed Double D and whispered to him, "Hey, Edd, don't forget about after school."

"No talking in study hall! If you wish to communicate I will permit you to send notes back and forth. You students are lucky that I'm a nice person!" the teacher, who was watching over the study hall, said before she went back to her book.

Kevin quickly scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed it to Edd.

Edd took the note and read it.

Hey dork

sorry about this morning

in gym. I caught you staring

at my ass. I don't mind

though! It's big ain't it?!

Edd noted how bad Kevin's penmanship was and it took a few minutes for him to decipher what was wrote. Slowly he wrote back.



by the way your

penmanship is terrible

and your grammar is

wretched. If you don't

mind then why do you

have to come to my house?!

He passed the note to Kevin who returned it with--


there's more to it

than that dude.

I want to tell you

now but I can't

For the whole period, the two passed notes back and fourth until the bell rang. Edd quickly gathered his belonging and ran to his locker. At his locker he ran into none other than Ryan himself.

Edd feel backwards as he accidentally slammed into the brunette. As he quickly rose back to his feet and gathered his things that had fallen out of his arms, he said, "Dear me, I'm sorry, please excuse me." Edd tried to quickly swerve around him but the bully caught him by the collar of his blue shirt.

"No, way, faggot! You aren't getting away that easily!" Ryan purred as he pushed Edd into the nearest bathroom.

"Ryan, please let me go!!!!"

"Shut it, nerd!" Ryan said as he forced Edd into the large handicapped stall.

"I'm sorry, for what happened in Sci-OOF!!!!" Edd began but stopped as Ryan punched him right square in the gut making Double D haunch over in pain.

Kissing in the Cul-de-Sac *Kevedd story*Where stories live. Discover now