Chapter 2☆☆

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Theres A picture of brook to the side :)


I straightened my new jersey as I walked into school. I bought it so I might as well show it off. I gathered my books for Biology and headed to class. I loved Bio in grade 11 but it's so hard now! I'm bearly passing. I counted down the minutes untill I could go to English, which was weird cause normaly I hated English.
The bell rang and I shot out of there like a bat out of hell.

"Nice Jersey!" Emily said walking next to me.

"Thanks! It's new to my collection." I laughed winking at her. We walked into class and took our seats. We were chatting and drawing on a peice of paper when I heard them walk in. I glanced over my shoulder at Tristan and his group of friends as they laughed and pushed eachother. Pretty much looking like every stereo type known to man.

"So instead of my Jersey you buy Ashtons?" He glared at me and I raised my eye brows.

"I already have yours, I didn't have this one yet. I'm not going to buy a Jersey I already have." I explained while turning back to Emily. I gave her a what the fuck look and she laughed at me.

"What's so funny?" Tristan snarled at us.

"Whoa bro let's calm down and take the panties out of our ass." Emily said not looking up. I tried to stifle my laughs but It didn't work very well.

"Fuck you." He shot back and I rolled my eyes.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I whispered to Emily, she smiled and nodded.

"Make room for Brooke, atorney at law!" Brooke made herself known and I raised my eye brows.

"Really? Please don't tell me your actually going to try this..." I said carefully. Brooke grinned at me and poped her gum.

"I want to be a criminal lawyer." She smiled to herself and opened her books.

"So we get to listen to you spout law crap for the next month?" Emily laughed as Brooke scowled.

"Yes and you can deal with it." Brooke stuck her toung out as Mrs. Mack walked in and started the class.

I walked down the hall towards my locker after class bopping to the music in my head. Yes I dance to the music in my head, if you don't like it well your life must be pretty boring. Someone grabbed me from behind and spun me around, I froze and closed my eyes tight holding my books in front ofy face.

"What, do you think im going to hit you?" I hear Gabes familier voice laughing, I open my eyes and smack him with my books.

"Could you maybe stop sneaking up on me?" I rolled my eyes and opened my locker.

"Come on Julia, you know very well that will never happen." He laughed and leaned up against the lockers waiting for me to close mine. We started walking down the hall when I saw Tristan and his friends, Tristan glared at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey keep my name out of your mouth, it's not a dick." He shouted at me. I spun around to face him while holding Gabe back from kicking his ass.

"Your name might not be, but you sure are." I shouted and flipped him off. What the fuck is his problem. One of the guys ran up to me with an apologetic smile on his face.

"Hey, uh, sorry about him. He can be a jackass sometimes. Im Ashton by the way, the one on your jersey." He smiled and stuck his hand out for me to shake. I took it and smiled back at him.

"Im Julia. It's nice to meet the man behind the name." I joked as his face light up in a giant smile.

"You should come to game sometime. See how this man plays in person!" He puffed his chest out and I laughed.

"Maybe I will." I smiled as he looked at the guys who were yelling at him to hurry up.

"I should probally go before I end up walking to practise." He laughed and waved over his shoulder as he ran towards the guys. I smiled and turned back to Gabe who had a giant smirk plastered across his face.

"What?" I asked, he shook his head.

"You are totaly crushing on that dude." He grinned and I looked at him shocked.

"I am not! I do not Crush on people. Plus i legit just met the guy." I put air quotes around the crush part.

"You can have a crush on someone you just met." He pointed out and I rolled my eyes.
"Im pretty sure that other guy you were glaring at thinks your cute. He looked pretty pissed that you were talking to whats his face." He said smiling at me.

"Frankly, even if he did like me, he's an ass hole. I ain't putting up with that shit. Even if I did date. Which I don't." I explained as we walked into the cafe.

"Believe me I know, I tried getting you to date me for months before I gave up!" He laughed and I pushed him.

"Yeah right." We laughed and I sat down at the table with everyone eles.

"Hey mom!" I shouted running upstairs to change.

"Hey sweetie! Going for a run today?" She asked standing in my door way.

"Yeah! I skipped last time so Im going for an extra long one today." I explained picking up my running shoes and walking down stairs.

"If you come back with DQ the run doesn't count." She sang walking into the kitchen.

"That only happened once!" I shouted as I ran out the door. I liked running, I sucked at it and had to take breaks alot but there was something calming about it. You know when I can actually breathe and don't have leg cramps. I ran down to the hockey arena and sat down on the steps. That's where I normally stopped to take a break.

"Hey!" I heard someone shout. I turned around and saw Ashton walking towards me 

"Hey! Did you just get out of practise?!" I asked looking at his bag

"Yeah we go all afternoon." He smiled and sat down next to me.
"What are you doing here?" He asked looking at my running atirre.

"I run over here then run back to my house." I explained pointing down the street.

"That's why you look so gross." He laughed and my jaw dropped.

"Jerk!" I laughed with him and punched him in the arm.

"Ow! Hey don't damage the goods!" He rubbed the spot where I hit him and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah like that hurt at all! You get tossed into the barriers." I laughed he smiled at me.

"So you have seen me play." He grinned and I looked at him with a 'well duh' look.

"I don't live under a rock." I said standing up. He followed my lead as I walked down the steps.
"Well I should get back, I'm hungry." I smiled and nodded down the street.

"Oh ok, I'll see you later then. Bye Julia." He smiled and waved as I ran back towards my house.


I fell in Love with a hockey player. *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now