Chapter 3

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The teacher droned on about population genetics, I dont get this stupid stuff so I gave up out of frustration.
The bell rang and I all but ran out of the class room. Emily came up next to me and started dancing. I looked at her like she was crazy.

"What are you doing?" I asked raising an eyebrow as we walked towards english. Well I walked, she danced like a maniac.

"Dancing, Oh my goodness! You know what we should do?" She said enthusiastically. I looked at her kind of scared.

"What?" I asked eyeing her nervously.

"I KISSED A GIRL AND I LIKED IT! THE TASTE OF HER CHERRY CHAPSTICK!" She sang loudly. I looked around at the people staring and started laughing.

"I KISSED A GIRL JUST TO TRY IT! I HOPE MY BOYFRIEND DONT MIND IT!" I sang just as loudly as we walked into the class room. I broke down laughing at Emilys dance moves. I bumped my hip into hers, she threw her arm around me as we walked to out desks.

"Oh Emily, I love your impromptu dancing and singing." I laughed as I sat down in my seat.

"Thats hot." Said a male voice from the back of the room. My eyes landed on Tristian, sitting at the back of the room with his friends. He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah too bad your not invited." I winked. I watched Ashtons eyes go wide as he held in his laugh.

"Come on girl. I could be a very good addition" He smirked and scoffed.

"Yeah I'm sure." I said turning to Emily who had a grin on her face.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked not looking at her anymore.

"You like him." She said quietly. My eyes shot to hers and I looked at her dumb founded.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You like me." I jumped at how close Tristan had gotten. I turned to look at him with a blank stare.

"You wish." I shot back. He laughed and ran a finger along my neck. I shifted back.

"Oh you know it." He grinned at me.

"Hey, gorrilla man, get out of my seat." Brooke flicked his head and Tristan glared at her. He moved back to his seat and Brooke took hers.

"Why are you blushing?" Brooke asked attomatically. My face heated up, I didn't even notice I was blushing.

"Im not.." I said hidding my face with my hair. Brook grabbed my face and inspected it closely. I rolled my eyes at her and pulled my chin out of her grasp.

"That my friend, is a 3rd degree blush. Who has melted the Ice Queen?!" She looked around dramatically and I rolled my eyes again.

"No one! And im not an Ice Queen!" I said, I glanced back at Tristian again and saw him holding in laughter. I wanted to throw my pen at his smug face.

"Yes you are darling, Its why no one has ever gotten into your pants." She winked at me and my face heated, jaw dropping.

"Brooke I can not believe you just said that!" I whispered and smacked her arm.

"Your a virgin?!" Tristian yelled. I burried my face in my hands. Can this get any worse?

"Yeah! She needs a good-"

"Brooke! Thats enough! We do not need to be discussing this. " Emily shouted glaring at Brooke.

"What? She does!" She said back. I shook my head and sank down.

"That's enough. If you say anything more it won't end pretty." Emily growled out. She knew what happened to me, she helped me get through all the pain and stress of it.

"Fine." Brooke huffed and turned to the front of the room. I can't really blame her, she didn't know anything.

"Thank you." I whispered to Emily. She smiled at me turned to the front of the class as Mrs. Mack walked in.

"Hey bug, I heard what happened. How you feeling?" Gabe wrapped me in a hug. I shot a look to Emily who smiled sheepishly.

"We just got out of class. How the hell do you already?" I pushed him off and he smiled holding up his phone. I rolled my eyes.
"Guys I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me." I smiled as Gabe pulled me under his arm.

"Hey Julia wait up!" I turned around and saw Tristan running towards me.

"What do you want?" I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes.

"Go to the movies with me tomorrow night." He smiled at me. I chocked on my spit, Gabe started patting me on the back.

"What?" I squeeked out pushing Gabes hands away from me.

"Come to the movies with me. The whole team is comming you can bring your friends as well." He smirked at me.

"We would love to go! Well see you tomorrow night" Emily smiled I looked at her with a confused expression.

"What?" I asked, they ignored me and continued on like I wasnt there.

"Great. See you Julia." He smiled and walked away. Ashton saw my confused expression and started laughing.

"See you tomorrow Julia!" He shouted still laughing at me. I flipped him off which made him laugh harder.

"What just happened?" I asked turning towards Emily.

"I just got you a date." She smiled and pulled me along to the cafe.

"I don't date." I said quickly. Emily stopped and pulled me to the side of the hallway.

"Julia, you're ready for this. You said so yourself, your fine." She smiled while rubbing my arm.

"Tricky little minx using my words against me." I laughed and continued walking.
"I don't trust men Em. Except for Gabe, but that's only cause he's basically a girl." I smirked and looked behind me to see Gabe with a scowl.

"I am not! I'm all man! Look at that 6 pack." He pulled up his shirt and I burst out laughing.
"Touch it Julia you know you want to." He winked at me.

"No, not at all." I laughed running down the hall.

"Don't fight it Julia! It's going to happen!" He shouted running after me. His arms wrapped around me waist, I threw a punch and it connected to his eye. He let me go and put his hands on his face. I covered my mouth and froze.

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you! Are you ok??" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Damn Julia. Watching hockey has made you violent. No wonder they want to ban fighting!" He said standing up. I let out a laugh and pushed him lightly.

"Shut up. They should never ban fighting!" I laughed putting my hands in front of my face.

"Yeah calm down there Rocky." Emily laughed behind me.

I fell in Love with a hockey player. *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now