The Elevator [AkinXHannibal]

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Happy Birthday, Hannibal!

The Elevator



"Is that what you're getting Hannibal for his birthday?"

"Oh, shoot! Raven!"

Raven smirked, watching amused as Akin jumped in alarm in front of the glass of his favorite high-class BDSM shop, something Raven never even knew existed until that moment. Akin's white-blonde hair bounced in a ponytail held up with a black Hello Kitty scrunchie, and he clutched the front of his light blue cardigan for dear life before his shoulders slumped in relief and he gave Raven a scowl, and a quick pinch on the cheek.

"You scared the crap out of me," Akin scolded, then took a deep breath before smiling, "And yes, one of them anyway." He paused to turn back to the glass shield that went around a black steely mannequin, one that wore a pair of skintight black leather pants that matched a pair of cuffs on its wrists with a gold chain connecting them, and the collar around its throat, made of leather with a gold chain over that, and a large fat red jewel front and center.

And Raven found it oddly ironic that the mannequin had about the same physique as Akin's husband, ripped as fuck with a rippling six pack, and long muscular legs.

Not that he found the mannequin attractive. And now that he thought about it, staring at the mannequin was creeping him out, so he turned to Akin, only to smile at Akin's wistful smile as he stared at the display.

He could tell Akin wasn't admiring the mannequin, so much as imagining Hannibal in the outfit, and the blush on his cheeks told him the fantasy went further than just dressing him up. Not wanting to touch that particular topic with a ten foot cattle prod, he cleared his throat and Akin blinked, then smiled.

"Right, yeah. Anyway, what are you doing here?" He asked. Raven smiled sheepishly, wiggling the black plastic bag in his hand.

"Shopping for his birthday present," he admitted. Akin laughed at that, then turned back to the display, sighing, but this time the sigh was more heavy and stressed than pleasant. Raven arched a brow at that. He'd never known Akin to be particularly depressed on Hannibal's birthday. If anything, Akin wanted it to be a goddamn national holiday. The way he treated Hannibal was like the Atlantean king he was supposed to be. He bought Hannibal his favorite foods, let him watch his favorite shows on television, and spent hours playing with him in ways Raven didn't really want to think about involving Hannibal.

The dude was like his brother, jeez.

And Akin was his brother.

"What's wrong?" Raven asked, checking the price tag of the outfit to see if perhaps that was what caused him distress, but it was on sale and looking pretty affordable. Not that Akin would particularly care anyway as he only bought the best of the best for his pet.

"I don't know," Akin murmured, "I just feel like I do the same thing every year. I buy him a nice collar, maybe a new toy, and up his allowance, but I really think I need to do something more. It's just not enough, you know?" Raven understood. A gift didn't feel nearly enough for Hannibal, and perhaps it was biased, considering Hannibal was not only his closest friend, but also the supposed Savior of the universe. Something like a collar, or in Raven's case a new set of barbells and workout clothes, didn't feel adequate enough. But what else could they possibly splurge on? Hannibal wasn't a very materialistic creature. He wasn't particularly social. His circle of friends was their military unit, the Deliverance, and his family, or at least, the family members that weren't insane and trying to take over the universe.

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