Northern Lights, Lovely Nights [LuciferXHades]

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Northern Lights, Lovely Nights



"Let's take a trip."

Hades stared at the black print words on the screen of his tablet, thinking perhaps he'd misheard his lover, only to feel an intense stare following the words. He lifted his electric blue eyes to stare across the room where Lucifer had just stepped out of the bathroom from a hot steamy shower. The archangel's thick blonde hair was damp, darkened by the water, falling in loose wet curls around a handsome chiseled face shadowed by dark facial hair, sapphire blue eyes sparkling with excitement at the prospect of a vacation.

"A trip?" Hades asked dryly, uninterested in a beachside retreat with massage oils and nude beaches. He wasn't particularly a fan of beaches. Or vacations in general. Vacations meant freetime and free time meant thinking and thinking could lead to some dangerous territory for a male struggling with depression. Not that he'd felt such recently. In fact, he'd felt better than he ever had in ages.

"Yes," Lucifer said, coming over to sit on the sofa in just a towel. Hades's eyes lingered on the droplets of water that ran down Lucifer's chest, like it was a race to get to his cock. Hades was rooting for the one on the left near his nipple.

"Set doesn't want me in Duat," Hades said absentmindedly watching the droplets. Set had basically banned Hades from the realm after Hades had played with him a little a while back, and Hades couldn't believe Set would be so childish, but, Hades supposed, he had touched the god's cock without his permission really. So he could understand it. He hated the desert realm anyway.

"I wasn't thinking Duat," Lucifer answered, a twitch in his eye indicating he was relieving the same incident in his own mind, but whereas Hades felt nothing about it, Lucifer felt searing jealousy, and Hades savored the gleam in Lucifer's blue eyes, "I was thinking... Alaska." Hades blinked, his eyes snapping up from the water droplet race to meet Lucifer's. There was a twinkle in Lucifer's eyes, like the idea was thrilling to them. The both of them together in a cabin in the wilderness, snowed in and all alone.

"The mortal realm," Hades deadpanned. His first response was to disapprove of the idea. He wasn't allowed in the mortal realm. Zeus had expressly forbad it after he'd taken Persephone. However, the brothers had been on better footing recently. So much so that Hades had lunch with Zeus on a regular basis and Zeus seemed to allow him to now freely leave his realm whenever. At the same time, there was still a lingering fear of going anywhere near the mortal plane.

What if Zeus changed his mind suddenly? He was prone to it.

What if they were attacked? It wouldn't be the first time.

What if Lucifer was just taking him there to tell him something he didn't want to hear? Whatever that was.

The anxiety fluttering his chest made him shift uncomfortably, his eyes dropping down to his tablet again so he could pretend he was checking his social media pages. Though, none of the status updates or messages really caught his attention because he was now wondering where this idea was coming from, why did Lucifer want to go, why Alaska.

"You're allowed to leave now," Lucifer pointed out, clearly sensing Hades's discomfort with the discussion, "You're allowed to see everything you've ever wanted to see. And we can finally get some alone time without one of our children popping in with a problem." Hades wasn't so sure about that. Sure, it was annoying to have their alone time ruined by some brat needing something or another, but it also made Hades feel safer, knowing that his children, or Lucifer's for that matter, could come to them whenever they needed something.

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