Not In Session - AU

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AU: 'We're the only ones who didn't get the email that class was cancelled'

(so I saw this AU in a tumblr post and I thought it was really fitting for westallen. In this, Iris is a strictly straight A student and Barry is an outgoing but messy student.)

Iris' yellow boots hit the murky puddle as she trudged through the near flooding on the sidewalk. It was 6:42 am, and she had to get to Central City High School where she went. So far, she was on time. Heavy rain fell from the edges of the black umbrella above her head and she was grateful that it protected her backpack and expensive textbooks.
There were no cars in the parking lot- not a strange occurrence, as Iris had a habit of getting to school 45 minutes early for morning volleyball practice. It was outdoors so it surely would be canceled. She decided to get there early anyway.
She closed the umbrella and shook it just outside of the doorway. Then she climbed the long stairway to her second floor locker. She shoved the umbrella and her boots inside and grabbed her notebooks and math homework. Then she walked back downstairs with her stuff to wait in her homeroom. She flicked on the lights and took a seat in the same desk she always sat in- the third one in the second row because thirty two is a favorite number of hers.
She checked her phone. 7:02 am. Usually a teacher would be in there by now but she guessed that Mr. Wells was just late.
She forgot to check over her Spanish assignments so she did that to pass time. By the time she was done, it was 7:45 am. Nobody else was there. No one in the hall. No loud yelling from the jocks in the gym. No fake laughing from the popular girls near the lockers. She just heard rain pouring on the glass windows. She checked her email and there wasn't a single one left unread.
She heard the clicking of heels on tile from down the hall so she packed up and ran to the door. Ms. Snow and Mr. Ramon were walking together to the administrative offices and talking about God knows what. "Ms. Snow, um... Where is everyone? Where's Mr. Wells?" Ms. Snow looked surprised and Mr. Ramon almost dropped his coffee. "Uh, Iris, class was canceled for the day because of the flood. Did you get the email?" Iris sighed. "No. I bet I was the only one."
Suddenly she heard heavy footsteps running down the hall and the sound of papers hitting the ground. "Mr. Ramon! Sorry I'm late! I forgot my goggles for physics class!" A tall, lanky boy showed up from next to Ms. Snow. He handed his assignments to the man and smiled proudly. Mr. Ramone laughed. "Barry, you don't need goggles for physics, you dropped your papers all over the floor, this isn't even your physics assignment, it's the cafeteria menu, and class has been canceled. Plus you're twenty minutes late to school. If today was officially a school day, I would send you to your locker to organize it. Just be sure to keep track of everything, okay? Including the time." The boy looked puzzled. The two teachers laughed. "Don't stay here, you two. Go home and have fun and take a break." They walked off.
Barry sighed. "I'm lucky they're both student teachers, so they let me off easy. I was hoping he'd think that was actually my physics paper." Iris chuckled. He held out his hand. "The name's Barry Allen. I'm guessing you didn't get the email either?"
Iris shook it. "Iris West. And no. I'm glad someone else showed up. I've been here since seven."
His jaw dropped. "Seven? Man, I'm lucky if I wake up that early. Well, I'm going back home. Maybe we can sit together at lunch period tomorrow and talk about this awkward experience. Later."
He was a quarter of the way down the hall when she cleared her throat. "Um, if you wouldn't mind, I could use a ride. I walked here. I'll pay you to drive me home."
He turned around. "I don't mind driving your pretty self back home at all. Just give me a sec to grab my soccer uniform." He winked and ran upstairs. Iris blushed. A strange boy that had to be a year older than her was flirting with her. A weird situation, but she had to admit, he was kind of attractive in a weird way.
They met in the parking lot in front of his red Mitsubishi. He tossed her math notebooks over to her and she looked at him, puzzled. "What? You left them in Mr. Wells' room." Then he winked at her and she looked away.
He plugged the keys in and revved the engine. "Y'know, they told us to have fun. And we always have to listen to teachers, so... Whadaya say?" Iris perked up. "Where would we even go?" Barry chuckled and smirked. "Well, if you have some money, we could go to the arcade and win something. We could go laser tag. We could be rebellious teenagers for a day instead of sitting in seven one-hour long classes. What else is there to do in Central City when it's raining?" Iris' long black hair fell over her eyes as she smiled. "Fine. Let's go to the arcade."
The whole way there, Barry played rock music and hit the sides of the steering wheel with his fists to the beat. "Aren't you supposed to be keeping your eyes on the road?" He came back to reality as the slowed at the stop sign. "Well, that would probably be a good idea."
After an hour and a half at the arcade, Iris won a huge plush tiger and Barry won a Chinese finger trap, some chattering teeth, and a few bite size candy bars.
"You have me beat by a few, West."
"Always will, Allen."
Instead of going to laser tag, they took a drive around the park and the dock. Barry didn't do well in the dark, he said. Made him paranoid. And he had horrible night vision.
Barry's red car slowly pulled up to the sidewalk by Iris' house and he put it in park.
"Thanks for the great time, West. But where's the money you offered?"
"And thank you, Allen. But I said I would give the money if you drove me home. Only home. Maybe I'll pay you with some coffee at Jitters. Two o'clock sharp this Saturday, okay? Be there."
She grabbed her backpack and books and walked sassily into her house. Barry scoffed. "Touché, Iris West. Touché."

(I wanted to go more in detail with their trips but I didn't want to go past 1,200 words. Oh well, I think you guys got the idea! I hope you guys smiled when you read this. Thanks for the views and votes, and give me some feedback on this book if possible. I love you guys)

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