Your big plan.

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A/n: Yes, the media is completely random, but funny! Also, (in this chapter at least) each one of them has a daughter who will be referred to by their nicknames.

All: Neko, Brooklet, Cinnamon, Pixie, and Poptart all had a secret meeting hideout that they shared. This secret hideout was a tree house you had built in a forest. You five were all trying to figure out how to help your parents because they were all a bit broken. After a couple of hours, you finally came up with your plan. First, you would go with Poptart and take Jane to Asgard to extend her life (Friga can do that). Next, you would come back to Earth and help Cinnamon with bringing Pepper back (she's not dead, just gone). Then, you will all work on rebuilding the Cradle and bring back Peitro because he is probably the only one who could really help Pixie's mom. After that, when Pixie's mom is better, she and Pixie are going to try to heal Neko's dad's broken mind. With that, Brooklet's problems are also solved because her dad has been worried about her Uncle Bucky. The five of you began your plan right away...

A/n: This will be continued in the next chapter where you will see the results. Will the plan succeed, or will it end in disaster?

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