Chapter 8: The Darkness Of Secrets

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Pitch Black stood on top of the Globe of Belief, laughing as he looked down at the Guardians.

"What are you doing here, Pitch?" Jack demanded. "Get lost!"

Though Jack had never liked the Lord of Nightmares, something about this situation gave him a nasty feeling in his stomach.

"I don't really feel like it." Pitch smirked.

"It doesn't matter what you feel  like doing!" Tooth sneered, "Get out of here, or do I need to knock out another one of your teeth?"

Pitch glared at her but didn't say anything back.

Sandman scowled, making furious dreamsand signs over his head.

"Sorry, Sandman, but no one here has the time to try and understand you." Pitch laughed, "Or anyone who is too dumb to be able to do something as simple as speak."

"Take that back!" Bunny roared, and North started forward, drawing his swords from their sheaths.

Jack couldn't believe this. Pitch was awful.

"Leave!" He shouted, "Go back to your hole in the ground. How did you even get out of there, anyways? We locked you in there with your own fears!"

"I have my secrets, Jack," Pitch said, his dark eyes glinting, "you know all about secrets, don't you?"

Jack felt as though someone had kicked him in the stomach. How did Pitch know about that? How could he have found out? Was he going to tell the Guardians?

No! He couldn't tell the Guardians!

"Oh, yes, you have many of them yourself." Pitch disappeared and reappeared next to Jack, whispering in his ear, "Self-Harm. You get pushed around by other spirits. You're starving yourself." He pulled slightly away, and added so quietly that almost no one could hear him, "You want to die."

"Shut up." Jack said, his hands shaking. "You're lying."

"Oh, Jack." Pitch laughed, speaking at normal volume once more, "It my most prized ability to see into your soul and know your greatest fears. And, right now, your biggest fear is that one of your friends will pay attention."

With that, a dark cloud of dreamsand filled the room. Jack coughed, staggering backwards and hitting the wall, trying to keep sand out of his nose. When the cloud cleared, the Guardians stared at Jack, confused.

"Jack?" Tooth asked uncertainly.

"He was lying," Jack said flatly, grateful that the Guardians didn't hear about the self-harm and everything. "Afraid one of you guys will pay attention? Seriously?"

"Are you sure, my friend?" North inquired, sheathing his swords.

"I'm sure." Jack put on a smile. "You guys know everything about me, anyways."

Bunny gave him a strange look. "Do we?"

"Yes." Jack said firmly, "Who are you going to believe, the enemy, or me? Besides everyone knows that my biggest fear it being alone again."

That last part shut them up real quick. Jack knew that the Guardians all felt guilty for the three hundred years he had spent alone, and bringing it up again was just another way to turn off their doubt.

It worked.

Sandman lowered his head, looking upset.

"I- We- That was a long time ago, Jack." Tooth murmured, "We would never-"

"I know, I know." Jack laughed lightly. "I just want you guys to know that I don't have any secrets. There's nothing I wouldn't tell you. I promise."

"Okay, mate." Bunny sighed. "Sorry we doubted ya."

No, Jack begged, Please, see through my lies. Please, see that something's wrong. That  everything is wrong. I need your help. Don't fail me.

"Well, then." North said, "All of that aside, why do you think Pitch has returned?"

"Probably just to mess with me. He's mad that I messed up his plan last time." Jack shrugged.

You failed me.

"We'll keep an eye out. I don't he'll ever be able to do anything any time soon," Tooth promised, and Sandman nodded.

Please, notice that there's something wrong! Look through my smile and help me!

"Good idea," Jack agreed, "He'll learn that we beat him last time, and we can do it again if we have to, and we wont hesitate."

"That's right!" Tooth grinned.

Help me.


Jack realized the whole thing would be easier if he didn't have so many secrets.

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