Where's Drew?

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Alex's POV.

I opened the door.

"Hey mum!" She walked out from the kitchen.

"Hey sweetheart. Have a good day?" I nodded. 'Where were you?" She asked.

"At the library with Cole, Michelle and Amanda." Mum nodded and went back to cooking. She served me a juice.

"No Drew?" She asked. I shook my head.

"With Cierra and Skylar." Mum shook her head.

"He could do a lot better than those 2." I nodded agreeing. I sculled my juice.

"I'm going to go get changed." Mum nodded.

"Dad's dropping you off." I nodded and walked up to my room. I dropped my bag on the floor and changed into my PE uniform. I pulled out my books. I grabbed my football bag and added a towel and filled up my drink bottle. I walked back downstairs.

"Hey dad."

"Son!" He gave me a hug. "I got the results back from your maths test. I'm so proud." I smiled.

"Thanks dad." Mum came in and handed dad a cranberry juice.

"I am proud too. How's law studies going?" She asked. I nodded.

"It's good. I think I'm going to go with speech and argument for my extra class." Dad smiled and mum nodded.

"That'll help. Well c'mon let's go to football." I nodded and ran to the car. I pushed dad and he pushed me. The whole ride we chatted.

Once I got there I saw Cole. Michelle and Amanda were there. I walked over. The other boys said hi but I didn't see Drew. I greeted the boys back.

"Hey Cole, girls." They said their hi's. Amanda was wearing a heather grey pea coat. Which looked perfect on her.

"Hey where's Drew at?" Cole asked. I looked around.

"Probably somewhere with his tongue down Cierra or Skylar's throat." Amanda said. We laughed. Coach walked in.

'Catch you girls after practice?" Cole said. Michelle shook her head.

"The parents want us home we thought we'd watch for a little bit though." Michelle said. Amanda nodded along.

'Well see you tomorrow then." I said. I ran to coach. Cole took a bit longer. Coach made us huddle.

"OK boys... WHERE THE HELL IS DREW!?" I looked around. Coach sighed. 'Anyway this weekend we're playing the Bronco's. We've beaten them before but I want a guaranteed win please." We nodded. "Any words Alex?" I was captain after all.

"Yes. I want us to play like we've never beaten them. I want us to practice like we play and for the fact Drew's not here he might not be playing. We'll see on Thursday." The boys nodded. "Practice starts now. Hands in." They piled their hands in. "3, 2, 1, BULLDOGS!" We yelled and then coach started practice.

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