2 P.O.V

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Bella's POV.

I lined Alicante up. He swished his tail. I kicked him and he rocked into a smooth canter. 1, 2, 3, up! I manged to jump the course with ease and pulled Alicante to a halt at the end. I heard clapping and looked over. I saw Briar with 2 girls dressed in jodhpurs and polo shirts. I looked down at my outfit, grey jodhpurs and a hunter green polo shirt. I dismounted and led Alicante over.

"Good one Bella!" I smiled.

"I'm a bit rusty but Alicante is a babe." The 2 girls nodded. I looked at them. A brunette stuck her hand out.

"Amanda." I shook her hand. And the other blonde stuck her hand out.

"Michelle." I shook hers too.

"Bella." I said. They smiled at me. The brunette spoke up.

"You're a great jumper." I smiled.

"Thanks but I'm not that good you guys would wipe me out with one go." They smiled and Michelle laughed.

"No way! You're great. Briar I see you brought in a challenge eh?" Briar laughed.

"Yes. Now Bella I need to give these 2 a lesson and you need to get ready for tomorrow. So if you put Alicante away and rug up all the horses except Scorpion and Texas." I nodded and led him out of the arena.

"Nice meeting you Amanda and Michelle." They smiled.

"Hey Bella. Before you go. Here's our numbers." I took them and put them in my pocket.

Alex's POV.

I called a group huddle.

"Nice work today boys. So Drew is out for the game. I need you here by 8 so we can warm up and beat these broncos!" The boys hooted. "You're free to leave." I broke the huddle and grabbed my bag taking a sip of water.

"Hey man nice practice today." Cole said.

"Thanks bro." I clapped him on the back. "The girls at practice?" I asked. Cole nodded.

"Yeah man. Want to come round to mine?" I nodded.

"Yeah! I text my dad and tell him." Cole nodded and I texted dad. I got a call back from him. I was surprised. Dad never calls me.

"Hey dad."

"Son! Mate how was practice?" I smiled.

"Good thanks." Dad laughed.

"I wish you could go to Cole's. But I need you home. I have the head to UCLA's football extension course. You want a scholarship don't you?" I frowned.

"Yeah." Dad laughed.

"That's my boy. Now c'mon home!" I hung up. The truth is that I want to be a lawyer not a footballer. But dad would be disappointed. I grabbed my bag.

"Hey Cole. My dad wants me home. He has an important visitor." Cole shook his head.

"No problem. I'll text you tonight. See you tomorrow." He walked off to his car. I walked into the changing rooms. None of the boys were in here. All gone home. I had a quick shower and changed back into my clothes. Jean and a loose t-shirt. I loved this school. We were professional but we had our opinion with our clothes. I dried my hair and walked to my car. I saw Coach Carl. He was talking to Claire. Claire looked like she was pleading with him. Probably about the girls football team.

I drove home and parked in the garage. I walked through the door and mum stood there.

"Oh Alex! Have you found the one?" I shook my head. Mum frowned.

"I told you. That is why I'm having the party." Mum brightened up.

"Oh your dad is in the lounge." She handed me my football jersey. "Look good and be polite." She walked off and I pulled the jersey on. I walked into the living room and dad looked at me.

"Bryan this is my son Alex. Alex meet Bryan." I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you." I said. Bryan nodded at me. I took a seat.

"So I would like to ask you some questions. As you are a possible scholar." I nodded. "So let's get started." I smiled. "So if football didn't work out what would you want to be?" He asked.

"I would want to be a lawyer." Bryan smiled.

"A good career and you can still work in the sports world. And..." Bryan's phone rang. He picked it up.

"Hello. Yes. Ok I'll be right there." He hung up. "Chris I'm so sorry. My girlfriend has called and there's a problem at your house. Can we reschedule?" Dad nodded.

"Of course. Bryan. Thank you for coming." Dad saw him to the door and I sighed a bit of relief. Mum came in.

"Homework." She mouthed. I nodded and ranupstairs to do my homework.    

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