Meet Bella.

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Alex's POV.

I drove to school and parked my car. I saw Cole, Michelle and Amanda talking. I walked towards them.

"Hey guys what's up?" I asked. They smiled.

"I was telling Cole about the new girl we met." Amanda said.

'She's going to this school and is really pretty and quite smart." Said Michelle. I smiled. A pretty girl. Maybe the one.

"Should be here any minute." Amanda said. We waited and then a black Lexus pulled into school. A tall skinny, tanned blonde girl stepped out. She wore beautiful clothes but the sunglasses covered her eye.

"That's her." Michelle said. Michelle waved at the girl and the girl waved and walked over. She pulled up her black sunglasses to reveal blue eyes.

'Hey guys!" She had a sweet voice. Amanda smiled.

"Hey. Guys this is Bella. Bella this is Alex and Cole." She smiled at us.

'Nice to meet you." She has a southern accent.

"Nice to meet you too." Cole said. I nodded too. 'Where are you from?" Cole asked.

"Florida." She replied flatly. Cole nodded. Michelle cleared her throat.

"Should we go inside?" Bella nodded.

"I have to go to my locker. 151." I smiled.

"That's not too far from mine. I'm 147." She smiled.

"Cool. Well Amanda I'll see you in class and nice to meet you Cole. Catch you later Michelle." She walked off and I ran to catch up. She walked so confidently. People looked at her. I stopped at her locker.

"Here's yours." I said. She looked at me.

"I knew it was mine." She pointed a perfect French nail at the huge 151 on the locker. I nodded and stepped back. She packed her books into her locker. Leaving only here maths and science in her bag.

"So Bella. What class are you in?" She looked at me.

"12 advanced. You?" She said. I leaned against the other lockers.

"12 advanced too." She looked surprised. "And what about your option?" She looked at me.

"Law and speech." I smiled. I shared every class with Bella.

"Score." I whispered.

"What?" She said. She heard!?

"Nothing." I leaned against the locker. The bell rang.

"Later's Alex." She closed her locker door and walked/sauntered to her form class.

Bella's POV.

To be honest Alex was kind of cute. But I'm new and I need to keep my wall up. I took a seat in B1. People filed in and eventually the teacher.

"Students we have a new student here today. Her name is Bella." I smiled and everyone said hi. "Bella where are you from?" I looked around. That question made me nervous.

"Florida." The teacher smiled.

"Cool. Please make her feel welcome." The teacher did the roll and then the bell rang. I stood up and I walked towards the door. Ms. Nelson stopped me.

"Hey Bella." I looked at her.

"I love you're make-up. So perfect!" I smiled.

"Thank you." I then walked to maths in B6. I excelled in everything especially English. I walked into the room and saw Amanda. She smiled.

"Hey Bella." I smiled.

"Hey." The teacher looked at me.

"New student?" I nodded. "Over there." He practically placed me the furthest away from Amanda as possible. I shrugged at her and walked over. Alex walked in and saw me. Amanda called him over. But he looked at me. I leaned back in my seat. He mouthed sorry to Amanda and took a seat next to me.

"Hey Bel..."

"BLUE! QUIET!" Alex nodded and pulled out his book. Other people filed in and the teacher started math. I managed to answer lots of questions. The bell rang.

"Good day people." I packed up my books and Alex leaned over.

"Nice work Bella." I grabbed my bag.

"Thanks. See you in science." I walked off. I hope I was confusing him.

Amanda's POV.

I can't believe Alex picked Bella over me. But who cares. He probably wanted to make her feel welcome. I saw Alex up the hall and I ran to catch up.

"Hey Alex." He turned to me.

"Hey Amanda." I smiled.

"Bella's great aye?" He nodded.

"Yeah I like her." I smiled.

"So your party..." I started

"Yeah I'm inviting her." He said.

"Oh ok." He smiled and I saw Bella up ahead. He was looking at her. I couldn't believe him.

Alex's POV.

I took my usual seat in science. Bella was by herself. Ms. Nelson walked in.

"Oh hi Bella. Everyone you must know Bella. Since she's new would anyone want to volunteer to be her lab partner for the rest of the year?" I looked at Amanda who had a smile on her face.

"Hey Amanda. Are you going to volunteer?" I asked. She shook her head. "I will." I said. Amanda whipped around at me. Ms. Nelson nodded at me.

"Ok. Amanda you will be with Claire." Claire walked towards Amanda and Amanda gave me what gives look. I shrugged and sat next to Bella.

"Hey." I said.

"Sh." She said immediately. This girl was hard to crack. But I was going to crack her.

Bella walked to her locker and I saw her just in front of me. I walked faster and she stopped at her locker. I saw some photos of her with some other people. I stopped. There was a mirror. She looked me in the eye and I thought we shared a moment but then she slammed the locker shut. She walked past me. I grabbed her arm. Once I realised what I'd done I was frozen.

"Bella." She looked at me.

"Yes." Why did she make me nervous?

"Do you..." A guy next to us. Nate turned to Bella.

"Hey Bella. What you doing tomorrow night?" Bella shook her head.

"I have arrangements sorry." Nate smiled.

"Ok I was going to ask you to study with us." Bella looked at him.

"I would've loved too but I have something going on with my family." Nate nodded and walked off. Bella turned to me.

"What were you going to say?" She said. I shook my head.

"Nothing." She nodded and walked off.


I felt bad for the short chapters so here is an extra long one! They should be longer from now on.


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