Chapter 3

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As they walked down the halls, Raven came running after them. She had a big smile on her face. As Patricia was going to asked Raven what had her in such a good mood, she screamed:

"You will never believe where we are going to have our Halloween Dance!"

"Wait?! You're exited for a school dance? Who are you and what have you done to Raven?!" Luna said, astonished.

"The location is the only reason. That and its Halloween!"

"So where is it then? If it has you so pumped up, I can't imagine it being at the regular location."

The regular location is a building in the middle of the park that is used for special events and celebrations. It can easily be rent and each time the school has a party, they decide to rent the venue and have it there. Luna was never really allowed to go but she didn't want to, so it wasn't really a punishment. She would often go to Raven's place after her chores and spend the night watching horror movies.

"So get ready, they plan on making it in the...CEMETERY!" Raven screamed as she showed the school newspaper.

"WHAT?!" Luna and Patricia exclaimed.

"YESSSS! I'm so happy. I can't wait to go!"

"How is this even possible? Pricilla and her friends would never agree to that?! They find the park a rustic place to have a party." Luna pointed out.

"Don't know. Don't care. Yay! The cemetery!"

Patricia giggled at her friends' enthusiasm, while Luna was wondering who could have made this possible. None of the "popular" crowd would have suggested this unless it was as a joke, but if it was in the school paper then it really was going to take place in the cemetery.

The bell rang, pulling Luna out of her thoughts and all three girls went to their classes.

The rest of the day was uneventful, but Luna was constantly wondering how the party ended up in the cemetery.

* * * * * * * *

The next day, Luna took care of her morning chores and went to school. She had meant to talk to Pricilla about the Halloween party, but she had spent the night at her boyfriend's place, which was kind of a fun thing since it meant one breakfast of less to take care of.

When she arrived to school, Raven walked up to her and started talking about the Halloween party, and her costume. Luna was still thinking that she needed to find out how Pricilla agreed to do the party in the cemetery.

"So my costume is that of a Red Riding Hood, after fighting the Big Bad Wolf and killing him. There's going to be so many bloody wounds and claw marks. It's going to be awesome. So what's your costume?"

"None. I can't go to parties. Helena won't let me out on those nights. If it's the movie night at your place, I found a witch hat I wore for Halloween in elementary school."

"What?! You're going to miss the only fun party the school will ever throw? No way! That can't happen."

"Sorry. I would be down to go but I can't go out. Every year we have our Halloween party the day before or after the school party for that very reason."

"I know but this time it's at a cemetery. Helena can't refuse. It's not a posh dance, it's a scary horror inducing night for monsters."

"Not good enough for Helena. We'll have fun without me."

"It's in a month, we have time to convince her."

"Try your best. I gave up already."

"I'll ask Patricia to help. She may not be Helena's favourite daughter but she still likes her."

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