Chapter three

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A/N: what I think Emerson looks like above.
In between the lines

Elton went home that night with a strange new sensation of sinking in his chest. Something he had never felt before. He was unusually grumpy as he made his way into his home. He decided that the next day he would find out where Emerson lived and court her like normal. Or at least try and talk to her.

He spent the rest of his night laying on the lounging couch looking at the words on the page of his book and skimming over them but not actually reading as his mind was enveloped in the mysterious angel that was somewhere in the world tonight.

The next morning was a sunny morning so Elton got out his hat and coat and piled on he clothing as he slipped out hiding in the shadows. He greeted strangers and asked about the beautiful woman and finally he got an answer.

Venturing out to where a smaller house was he saw a boy who was leaned up on the side of the building book in hand and slouched with a comfortable looking demeanor on. 
"Excuse me sir, is this where Emerson Kamden lives?" His voice startled the boy as he jumped up and his head shot up to gaze at Elton.

"She does who is asking." The young man squinted his eyes at Elton.

"Mr. Ainsley." The boy scurried off and you could hear through the house shouts addressing Emerson being called. Soon enough she appeared out in front of him. The glow of the sunlight hitting her back as she wore a baby blue dress that flowed around her and was short sleeves.
"Mr. Ainsley how may I be of service to you?" She curtsied and kept her gaze low to the ground.
"Please no formalities call me Elton, I was wondering if I could talk to you... Alone." Elton's eyes flicked up to the two girls peeking out of the door gazing intently at him.
"Girls!" Emerson scolded and they both ran inside giggling.
Emerson lead him to an unknown place and soon he was scratching the back of his neck and clearing his throat, it wasn't like him to be nervous. He was usually a very confident man. However she made him feel not so certain about himself.

"I am sorry for my actions yesterday they where uncalled for, it's just your presence gets me distracted and I would hope you may sincerely accept my apology. I would simply like to get to know you." He spoke coughing at the end and flicking his eyes up to see her. She had a slight smile on her lips as she looked into his eyes.
"Of course Elton, but know I am as good as married." She then swiftly walked past him leaving him awestruck.
---------------------------------------------- As time went on Emerson and Elton seemed to grow more fond of each other, they would meet in secret places and talk or even just sit in a comfortable silence.

They always felt connected to each other as if this was supposed to be how it happened, everything was peaceful.

Elton could hear the water trickle from the small creek near them. It was like background music while Emerson's laugh was heard all around. They where in the forest not to far away from Edmonds house where Emerson had been staying quite often. They where both lounged against a rock Emerson's hand placed delicately in Elton's as he drew soothing patterns in her baby soft hands.

Even at how content Emerson was she still had the nagging thought that she would be wed to Edmond in a weeks time.

"We won't be able to do this anymore." She spoke her voice not shaking once.

"Run away with me." He spoke with passion in his voice as a large grin graced his lips as he brought up the familiar subject that seemed to be on his lips a bunch in their past meetings. However his smile faltered when she spoke back a reply.

"I can't, you know I can't. This wedding has been there since my birth, I am nothing but property to my family and him." She looked at the stream trickling ever so smoothly, even the curves of the water and disruptions from the rocks made it look perfect.

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