Chapter one

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A/N: picture of Elton at the top.

The year is 1758, Elton is a man of class who likes pretty things to look at. So what happens when this girl comes stumbling into his life and fate seems destined that they are paired. They both have one big secret that are more similar than they both know, trying hard to keep it a secret they start to let little things slip and their secret starts to feel like baggage rather than it being a part of them. What will happen when everything comes crashing down and one of them slips away? How long will Elton wait and how long until they are back together... If they are ever back together. Read and find out what happens


Before it all happened
It was 1758 in Scotland, Elton Ainsley was standing outside of the home in which he grew up in. His expensive clothing being shielded from the ongoing rain by the upper stair cover. He kept a straight face as he watched his father and mother leave for a trip that they went on quite often leaving Elton in charge of the house.

When their coach was out of sight driving down the muddy road he swiftly turned back inside and made his way to the lounging area. On his way there he gave a brief glance to the house help and ordered to have tea brought to him.

He was staring out the window watching as the clear droplets ran down the sheet of glass and the grey sky itself churning with deep rich color itself. He couldn't see why his father and mother would want to venture out when it was much better to sit in on a day like this and read. However he couldn't deny that this was the perfect condition to go out considering his family's lack of love for the sun.

He decided to go and pick out a book as his steaming tea was set in front of him on the wooden table and get lost in a world where everything usually ended with a happy ending. Where everything had a bit of adventure.

Elton wasn't a bad looking person in fact he was quite attractive. He constantly had girls eyeing him and pushing out their chests to show off what little skin came spilling out of their corsets.

Hours went by where he was lost in the land of adventure and the storm had finally quit, however the sky was still as murky as ever. Elton decided that he could go out and buy some more tobacco since he was running low for his pipe and he could perhaps buy a new book considering he had finished the one that was currently in his hands.

Getting up he dusted off his pants and grabbed a jacket along with a hat incase it got sunny.

He decided to walk knowing the walk itself was far but he liked to gaze at the nature.

Everything was catching his attention and he couldn't help but let the small smile slip onto his lips. It was a rare occasion if Elton ever decided to grace you with a smile but when he did it made your knees weak and your heart stop.

When he made it into town he made his face still and walked with his hands in his pockets gazing around him. He noticed girls staring and giggling and he just turned and stopped looking. They knew he was wealthy and that might be why they where shamelessly staring.

He got to the book store and made his way in glancing around. He grabbed books that caught his eye. He was looking down when he felt someone run into him. It wasn't a painful encounter with the person yet it did stun him. He knew the other person had fallen and yet he did not feel the need to reach out and rescue them and rather let them fall to the floor. He looked down at the person who had ran into him and seemed to have more of an effect on them than it did him.

The lady was clothed with a simple cream dress that didn't push her breast out of it but rather hid what minimal amount there was. She had on a dark blue jacket over it and her brown hair flowed down her shoulders in a messy yet elegant way. It was strange to him to see such plainness and yet feel such attraction.

"Oh I'm so sorry sir, I wasn't looking where I was going. Please forgive me for my clumsiness." Her voice was like pure honey, rich and yet it was so soft and quiet, although it came in loud and clear in his mind. It was mixed through with the accent of English and it sure did suit her.

"Pardon miss but it was my fault." Elton replied his voice coming out deep. She was on the floor searching for books that where scattered around her when he bent down to help her with them. Both of their heads when they came up collided causing her to gasp and reach a hand up to her forehead.
Not meaning to the lady had let a laugh out of her lips as her eyes reached up to see him with a smile on his face and his own hand holding his forehead.
When their eyes met it all made sense to him. His mouth slightly opened as the smile fell off.
He had just enough time to see her eyes widen and her mouth fall open before he dropped her books and spun on his heel dumping the books he was planning on buying.

Thoughts buzzed through his head as he thought about why her, he never knew this could happen to him and by the looks of her face too she was just as surprised as him which meant she knew about it. He slinked into the shadows looking back at the books store.

The lady was carrying her books and what looked to be his books too as she exited the store. A man met her, he was well dressed and had a charming smile on his face. As he squinted closer he noticed it was his pal Edmond whom he had gotten an invite from about a certain girl he was marrying. She looked around real quick as if she was looking for something. Then she grabbed his arm and he lead her to a coach helping her in. Before she got fully in she took one more look around and then got in leaving not trace of her anywhere.

Elton purely loathed Edmon, who had helped her into that coach. The should be him helping her in she shouldn't even be near that man. Without hesitation he grabbed a boy that was no older than 17 who was near the entrance of the place where Elton was stored away masked by shadows. the alley way had dark shadows which casted them away from everyone's view. Elton pushed his hand on the boys lips, his other hand on the boys neck.

"Your going to be a good boy and be quiet for me." Elton hissed out. Thoughts where racing through Elton's mind. He was seeing red. The boys neck snapped and he stopped struggling against Elton. He felt prodding at his gums and the ached as Elton shoved the boys limp neck back and punctured his skin.

Thoughts bombarded Elton's mind.

Why was Edmond helping her into the coach?

Where they engaged to be married or where they maybe just friends?

Why did he happen to stumble across her?

Why was she his beloved.

A/N: Tell me what you think, I might be kind of slow to update but I'll try as hard as I can!

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