~Chapter 13~

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"Surprise!" Zoe shouted as she jumped out on me.

"Oh my god" I muttered to myself.

"Hi, you must be Charlie!" Zoe smiled and gave me a hug.

I nodded in amazement. I was completely speechless.

"So how are you?" She asked.

"G-G-Good" I replied. "Yo-youu?"

"Fantastic" said Zoe.

"Shall we play some bowling?" Dom asked with a grin.

I nodded in excitement.

"I haven't been bowling in ages!" Zoe told me.

"Neither, the last time I went was... was with Mum and Dad" I mumbled.

"Awh its okay Charlie, I'll make sure you have an amazing time" Zoe beamed and gave me another hug.

This made me smile and feel more comfortable around her.

"You ready to thrash Dom and everyone else?" Zoe whispered to me.

"You bet" I grinned back.

We then logged our names into the scoreboard and we were ready to bowl. Zoe and I were going against everyone else and I was so excited.

"You can go first Charlie" Zoe nodded and pointed to the bowling balls.

I smiled at her and picked up a heavy orange ball. I could hear Zoe chanting and I could feel me smiling non stop. As I ran towards the bowling lane, I released the ball out of my hand and it slid down the lane, crashing into pins, knocking them all down.

"Yay! You got a strike wooo!" Zoe chanted and gave me yet another hug. 

This day couldn't get any better!


After our amazing game if bowling (Charlie and I won!) we headed to the bar to get some lunch.

"So what do you want?" I asked Charlie. "Its on the house"

Charlie smiled widely. "Can I have the bacon cheeseburger please"

"Of course" I replied. "You know what I'll go for the same thing"

Our food soon arrived and we dived in strait away. The burger melted in our mouths and the chips were to die for!

"Thank you so much for everything Zoe" Charlie smiled.

"No problem Charlie, todays been amazing" I grinned back.

"I'm literally so lucky" Charlie said.

"No, I'm so lucky" I replied.

Charlie looked confused.

"I'm lucky to have met such a young inspirational girl who is very brave and polite. And who always has a smile on her face no matter what" I explained. 

"Thank you Zoe" Charlie repeated, tears glistening in her eyes.

It was then time for Charlie to leave which was very sad. Charlie is such a nice, kind-hearted and beautiful girl. I was so lucky I got to meet her!

"Bye Zoe" Charlie bid as she gave me another hug.

"Bye Charlie, hopefully I get to see you again soon maybe at a meet or greet or something?" I smiled.

Charlie replied with a nod. We then had our last hugs and goodbyes and Charlie and her care worker left the building. 

I then quickly got out my phone, rang Alfie and put the phone to my ear. I couldn't wait to tell Alfie all about today.

"Hey little one" Alfie said through the phone.

"Hey Alf, what you up to?" 

"Nothing much, just chilling with Poppy and Sean" Alfie replied. "How was bowling with Charlie?"

"It was amazing, we thrashed Dom's team and had such a good lunch. Charlie is such a nice girl, we  got on so well" I told Alfie.

"Awesome, I'm sad I didn't get to meet her!" Alfie then said.

"Aw, you would've loved her. She is the bravest and kindest girl I've ever known and we had such a strong bond. It was like nothing can tear us apart" I explained.

"She sounds awesome" 

Then something in my mind clicked. 


"Yes Zo" He replied.

"You know that thing we've been thinking about for a while?" I asked.


"Well... I think Charlie is like perfect for it" I admitted.

"Woah, really? Do you think so?" Alfie questioned.

"I know so" I replied confidently.

"Okay thats amazing, look little one I've got to go and pick up our lunch, i'll see you when you get home" He said.

"Kk, bye Alf I love you" I smiled.

"Love you too gorgeous" Alfie replied.

I then cut off the call and put my phone away.

Could this all work out?

Hiiii guys

I love this chapter its so cuteeee

I wonder what Zoe and Alfie are planning?

Well its kinda obvious but wooooooo I'm excited

See you in the next chapter, please leave your opinions below

Byeee ily all

Steph x

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