Diary Entry #3

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"Temptation is like a knife, that may either cut the meat or the throat of a man; it may be his food or his poison, his exercise or his destruction." -John Owen

Dear Diary,

So many faces. Fat ones, thin ones, dark ones, light ones. They pass me by everyday. Forced smiles and "how are yous?" suffocate me. And no one has the audacity to even read my name tag. No one knows who I am. No one knows what I go through. No one knows that it followed me. From the dark depths of the night, to the next day at work. No one knows that it has a hold on my brain. Every time I close my eyes, it's there. Waiting for me, filling me with fear. I feel like I am screaming for help, but no one can hear me. I feel like I am dying and no one can see me suffering. I am shackled in chains at the bottom of the ocean. The only way out is to stop fighting the water, and embrace it. Stop fighting the darkness, and embrace it. I just want to make it stop. Permanently. The nightmares, the fear, the depression, the sadness. Now the knife on the table taunts me and I have to make a choice. Life or death?

Until next time,
Twila Jones

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