Chapter 5

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I've been running in wolf form for 3 days  now, me and my wolf we're tired and we wanted to rest for a bit, Once i shifted back to human form and got dressed, I heard a twig break. So I did what a normal person would do, I ran.
I heard them run after me which made me push my legs to run faster, I just escaped my pack I am not dying today! You know in those horror movies where the girl trips over nothing?, Well right now im that stupid girl and tripped over a flippin root. Yes, a root! Of course me being too distracted with my swollen foot that I didn't even notice I was surrounded by 4 men, "What are you doing here rougu
e?" One of them sneered at me. "" I stuttered like a complete idiot. I heard one of them snicker then a smack. "Idiot shut up" Another spoke. "Look, since our Alpha isn't here we're gonna have to lock you up till he comes back." He said, but from the power oozing out of him I can tell he's the Beta. "Look, I'm sorry..I dont mean any trouble I didn't mean to tresspass." I pleaded. "Look, I can tell you really don't mean to tresspass but I have to lock you up or else our Alpha will kick our bootys." He told me sincerely. I was struggling not to laugh, as I heard snickering from the other men. I guess he noticed and asked, "What?" He asked confused. I couldn't hold it anymore ask I struggled to say "Yo..u..yo...u B..OO..TY..S... haha..haha.." I told him still laughing. "Haha, very mature, anyways your probably wondering who me and these idiots are, I'm Beta Jake Willams." He said Jake had brown hair and green bluish eyes. "Hi, I'm Derek and this is Damien, my twin." Derek and Damien are basically identical but Derek had green eyes and Damien had blue. "Wazzup, im Jordan." He said cooly. Jordan had jet black hair and hazel eyes. "And im Genevieve Smith." I said smiling in a long time. "Well Genevieve since you are still a rogue we have to put you in a cell still. Until Alpha comes back of course, But dont worry we'll give you the nicest cell possible" Jake said with a smile. "Not to be rude or anything but what pack is this again?." I asked. "This is the Greendale Pack" Jake said as my eyes widen, you mean the strongest pack in the United States?!" "Yep." They all said the same time. Well I'm screwed was my last thought as I passed out.

Love U All! ❤ 💕

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