Forever home

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((Smutty smut smut in this chapter))

Another few months had past, and Leon had made some appointments to look at a few houses. Emil was still super mom, taking care of the kids and the three started to sleep threw the nights, and that made Emil worry when they didn't wake him up for changing or feeding or something. He would worry over nothing though, they all were fine and they just slept threw the night. But, since they started to sleep threw the night, that gave both Leon and Emil time to look for perfect homes and get a good night's sleep.

Emil was excited about the appointments. Oh, he wanted them to be just perfect!!! Leon and Emil were cuddling in bed at the moment, Leon wanting to just hold Emil down and make the other moan and struggle to muffle his sounds. But no, he couldn't until they get a forever home and the kids were right in the next room. So, we all know where Leon's mind was at the moment. Emil was smiling softly and thinking about their possible new house. He was thinking about the one he wanted most of the new appointments they had tomorrow. The house was big and beautiful.

The kitchen was really big, and there were six bedrooms, the master bedroom was on the opposite side of the rest of the bedrooms, there was a master bath, a regular bath, and a half bath. They could change the extra bedroom into a play room for the kids or a movie room or something. Maybe even a plain game room. Emil was just thinking about it and he really wanted that house. The two ended up asleep, cuddled against each other. The next morning came and Leon got breakfast while Emil watched the kids. The kids were playing with Emil and having a good time.

They ate breakfast and Lukas came over to watch his little nieces and nephew. Once Lukas was there, Leon and Emil left and went to look at the houses.

~~ la time skip, it's past my bedtime and I need my sleep but I'm writing for you guys instead, don't judge meh~~

After a lot of talking, and begging from Emil and the puppy eyes, they decided on the house that Emil had adored. Yes!!! They were told that they could start moving in in a few days. Emil was excited. As soon as they got home, he ran inside and told his big brother the news and went ahead and started to pack everything up, starting with the bathroom then moving his way to the bedrooms and such. Leon came in and sat down before he gently took Gabriel and started to play with him a little bit. Lukas soon left, staying silent the whole time Emil and Leon were there.

The rest of the night seemed normal, Emil smiling and putting the kids in their cribs and leaving the kids' room and going to his own room, where Leon was laying on the bed, watching tv with a bored expression on his face. Emil smiled and he went over to Leon before climbing on top of the older man, straddling his waist. Leon looked up at him, wondering what Emil was doing. Emil smiled down at him. "Thank you." He said gently. "We finally are going to have a house that has enough space." Leon nodded gently. "Shi,"

((Smutty smut smut below))

Emil smiled. "I think you deserve a treat~" he purred out before he leaned down and started to kiss Leon's neck. Well, that caused Leon to shift a little bit and tilt his head. Leon moved his hands to Emil's waist, Emil smirking a little bit against his neck. Leon gently bit his lip. He wasn't sure how much longer until he lost control. He really wanted Emil. Emil ran his hands down Leon's chest, down his stomach and reaching the hem of Leon's shirt before Emil took it off of his hot Asian. Leon was blushing a little bit. But there was only the small light of the tv screen that lit the room. But it was clear that Leon was holding back from just flipping them over and attacking Emil's neck and chest and body with love bites and kisses.

Emil pouted a little bit. "Do you not want me?" He asked gently, before he leaned down to his ear. "Don't you want to make me moan and make me remember how much fun we use to have in bed~?" He purred and that's when Leon lost it. He couldn't help himself anymore. He quickly flipped them over, taking off Emil's shirt and pants in almost one shift move. Emil had made a little squeak, blushing now. But his smile didn't leave his face as Leon stripped him of his clothing and starting to leave kisses on his neck, which caused Emil to moan a little bit, holding onto Leon softly.

Leon ground against Emil, causing him to moan a bit louder. Emil was getting hard. Leon kept grinding against Emil and making him moan, whimpering a little bit. "Le~on~ please~" Emil begged. Leon smirked and he took off his own pants and then slipped both of their boxers off. Emil was blushing, panting softly. Leon smirked and he connected their lips together, moving Emil so his legs were resting on his shoulders. He pulled back from the kiss and smirked down at Emil. Leon smirked and he reached over to the nightstand and quickly got out the lube, putting some on his fingers and placing his fingers at Emil's entrance.

Emil blushed even more, and moaned as he felt the first finger be pushed into him. It felt a bit weird because it had been awhile. Leon gently started to stretch Emil out, getting soft moans from Emil. Leon added another finger and started to scissor Emil, which caused Emil to moan a little bit louder, but not loud enough to go threw the walls. Leon smirked as he heard Emil moan, oh what he would do to Emil~

Leon soon pulled his fingers out of Emil, leaving the other whining softly at the lost of the sensation. Leon smirked and he placed his member outside of Emil's entrance before he gently pushed into Emil. It took a few moments, but after Emil gave Leon the OK, Leon started to gently move in and out of Emil, then getting faster and Emil moaning. Leon moaned a little bit as well, it felt so good. Emil was struggling to keep quiet, then got a pillow and muffled his growing moans and soft screams of pleasure. Leon smirked and he started to get faster and harder with his movements. Emil couldn't handle it all at once and he moaned loudly as he came onto both of their stomachs, followed by Leon. But at that moment, it was clear that they were not stopping after that. So, they continued their fun. This continued for awhile, both of them enjoying the feeling of each other way too much. And, they lost count of how many rounds they did, both passing out sometime around five in the morning.

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