Trouble starts

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The family had already stayed in the house for a few years. Four to be exact. The little ones had grown a bit. They were running around the house and they were getting ready to five years old. Emil felt so old now!!!!! His little babies are growing too fast!!! Hurry, put some bricks around them so they will stop growing!!!! Oh how he wished that would be true. Gabriel was the protective brother of his two sisters and they all were in school. Lukas and Matthias were now married and had a little girl of their own. The triplets were best friends with Lukas's little girl, Agnetha was four, and would be that way for another year because her birthday was last week.

But, they also had a little boy who was much like Lukas, and he stayed away most of the time. His name was Aksel. And he, however, was only two. Agnetha was more like Matthias and wanted to play a lot. After Aksel was born, Lukas told Matthias to stop getting him pregnant because he didn't want to go threw this again. But we all know Matthias •3•

Aksel was sitting with Lukas, keeping quiet and just watching Lukas as Lukas read. Agnetha was playing with Qiuyue, Abigael, and Gabriel. Emil was taking a nap, having passed out on the couch and Leon was making them all dinner, Matthias helping him. Lukas sighed softly and looked at Aksel, who looked back up at him. Lukas gave a soft smile to his baby boy and gently wrapped his arm around him and continued to read his book while Aksel stayed close to Lukas. After a bit of slightly hearing the kids playing, Gabriel appeared from around the corner.

Lukas looked at him. "Yes?" He asked. "I-I don't feel good..." He said softly. Lukas put his book down. "Come here." Gabriel went over and Lukas felt his forehead. "You're burning up." He said and he sighed. "Go lay down in your room and I'll be in there in a moment." Lukas said and got up, little Aksel getting up to follow. Gabriel did what he was told and Lukas went and got a wash rag and wet it down with cold water. Lukas thought that Gabriel was just a bit sick and that it was nothing to worry about, just some rest would do.

He took care of Gabriel and sighed gently as he left the room to let the little four year old rest. Lukas returned to the couch, sitting down and watching over Aksel, which wasn't hard when the toddler followed him around almost everywhere. Eventually, Emil woke up and yawned before they were told that dinner is ready. So, Emil went to get the kids and Lukas went to fix the kids' plates. Everyone but Emil and Gabriel return to the table, Emil was now comforting his baby boy who didn't feel well. That meant a lot of cuddles and kisses.

Gabriel curled up against Emil and closed his eyes gently. He didn't want to get out of bed. Or move. He just felt horrible. Emil had to leave at one point, getting a little bucket for Gabriel to vomit in because he said he felt like he was going to. So, just so Emil didn't have to clean up vomit from his bed and blankets and wall. So, long story short, Emil and Gabriel didn't get to eat dinner for the night. Emil was too busy trying to get his baby feeling well again. Leon went in at one point and saw the two were asleep, and a bucket full. So, Leon dumped the bucket and washed it out before placing it back in the room. Leon put the other girls to bed before he went to bed himself, pouting a little bit because he had to sleep in their room alone tonight.

The next couple of days, Gabriel didn't improve at all. He only got sicker. But it came to a point where he didn't want to be held. Or touched. Or to even eat or get a sip of water. Or even juice!!! After day three, Emil was getting ready to leave the house, taking Gabriel to another doctor. He didn't trust the other doctor's say. 'It's just a stomach bug, let it run its corse.' It's been three days and Gabriel isn't eating, or drinking or moving from his bed!!!!! The girls were at preschool and Leon was at work. So, Emil was taking Gabriel.

((Song lyrics magically pop in my head. 'I can't decide whether you should live or die~ though you'll probably go to heaven, please don't hang your head and cry. I wonder why I want you dead inside, cold and hard and prettified, lock your doors and close your blinds, you're going for a ride~))

Emil got Gabriel to the doctor, waiting their turn as Gabriel laid on Emil and Emil gently rubbing his back to try and comfort him. 'Please let this doctor know what is wrong with my baby.' Emil thought softly. This was the fifth doctor that they had look at Gabriel. "Gabriel Steilsson-Chun?" They heard. (Yes, Leon's last name was Chun)

Emil got up and carried Gabriel into the back, holding the four year old close as they entered a numbered room. Gabriel was complaining about being tired now. Like, really tired. Emil kept him up so the doctor could talk to him. Soon the doctor came in and looked over Gabriel before he turned to Emil. "Get him to the hospital, now." He said. "His pancreas has completely shut down, he needs to get to the hospital now." The doctor said before going ahead and calling for people to meet up with Emil, who was a bit shocked, but he couldn't just sit there. He got up and picked up Gabriel before starting to head out with Gabe(nickname) to his car and heading straight for the hospital, calling Leon on his way there.

"I told you we should have just taken him to the hospital!!" He yelled over the phone, feeling like it was kind of his fault for this happening to Gabe. Long story short, Leon got off of work and headed to the hospital to meet up with Emil and Gabe. Well, by then Gabe was already getting treatment for his pancreas failure. But, damage had been done and his pancreas just wasn't responding to the medicine. The doctor had to tell them that Gabe was now a diabetic.

((It's a lot harder then you think it is -_- mainly when you are type one. I should know. I've been type one for 15 years of my life. I'm 16.))

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