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It was three months ago when my life was turned upside down. I had just woken up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring AC DC in my ear. I slowly got up out bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. As I head down stars in my black skinny jeans, muscle shirt and converse.

"Mom! Is breakfast done?" I yell down to and empty (though I didn't know at the time) house.

I walk into the kitchen to find my mom isn't in there. For a second the silence in the kitchen takes me back to a time when I was young, and my father had locked mom in the basement and had beaten her. I quickly shake my head to rid the memory, but I still remember him telling me he was trying to see how much pain she could take. I remind my self 'He's gone, I dealt with him. He's not coming back.' My hands had begun to shake but I quickly steal myself and go to the master bed room and knock on the door. There's no answer, so I go in, but she's gone. I run to the neighbors  to find out if they know where she is, but no one was home. Well, to be more accurate the whole block was empty.
"That's weird" I had said out loud though know one heard me, its just the silence started getting to me.

For some reason,still not clear to this day, I had headed to the school. The place I used to torment the younger and weaker teens. It was like I was pulled to it by a strong force. As I neared the building I could see the silhouette of a few kids that are in my grade, though I don't know there names.

As I near them a boy a few inches taller than me (so about 6'4) with black hair and dark almond brown eyes (looked to be Hispanic) asked if I have seen anybody except for them.

I answer the kid easily "No I've seen no one. You guys?" I ask with a questionly glance around. They all answer with a simple shake of the head, or a short no.

As I look closer to their person I notice two of the boys were twins, I believe I've seen them on the track field for cross country. And let me tell you these guys were fast. One of the girls looked like a nerd, the only nerd in the group. Now that I think of it I believe I've seen her in the library during free period reading about buildings or something. Two of the girls looked like preps (if you could have seen their out fits) And last but now I won't say least was a boy who was obsessed with planes and cars and how there build. He's not from this town he was just visiting his aunt for the week.

I come up with an idea and spoke it to the group.

"I know were all confused and stuff, but I personally think we should check every house in the hole town to see if there's anybody else. But first I think we should all introduce our selves before we run of in a potentially dangerous situation." I can see them hesitate so I said " I guess I'll go first. My name is Jax Henderson" I see the nerd slightly tense up at my name.

Soon they were telling me their names the twins were Andrew and Ash James. The nerd was Isabella Sobas. The preps were Madeline William and Mia Crown. And hyper active plane boy was Noah Westward.

After we finish searching most of the town the sun was about to start setting and we have seen nobody else. As we neared the edge of town there was a abandon warehouse. Noah starts walking that way but Ash stops him.

Ash says "Nobody is there no one ever is the place scares everybody off."

Noah has a questionly look on his face but in the short day we've known each other we've been able to build a small wall of trust in each other.

As we go to walk off I notice the pad lock on the door is broke and a girls hair ribbon is next to it.

As I point this out Mia yells "My sister!" And runs to the door. Isabella trys to go after her. The key word there is trys. Noah had grabbed her arm and had stopped her.

He says to us "Guys like one second ago that ribbon wasn't there I would know I have ADHD and I'm always studying things like the area around me so I don't do some thing to stupid. And if you ask me I feel like this is a trap." As he says this Mai nears the door and I go to call out her name cause Noah is right, but its to late. As she had gone through the door their was a blood curilling scream and then a gurgling sound. We all stand there in shock than as one we all ran t'ward the door. Madeline got there first and threw the doors wide and she stops ameditaly. We all had ran up to her to see a gruesome sight before us. Mia had a broken arm a slit throught(?) and was hanging from the ceiling. But that's not all. Everyone,EVERYONE, in town was in there dead,ripped to pieces ,bloody chunks of flesh were either hanging or scaterd around the room too. I saw my neighbors, friends, mother, and enemies there, and I can tell that my new 'family' was seing there loved ones as well. I was the first one to recovered from the shock I had headed over to beside the door and had threwn up. I looked up into the sky and notice a retryting form in the sky. I would have thought it was a bird if it wasn't for the glow it had as the sun started to set more.

Then in that half second it had came emensily clear this was not the end, but the being of something that will effect decades to come. I new there was something else out there. Waiting. Watching. And studying. And I new when the time came that that something in the sky would attack. And I would be dammed if I wasn't prepared to defend and conquer.

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