Chapter 9

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"Hey there, Daddy Tae

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"Hey there, Daddy Tae." Namjoon snapped him out that made him jump in the process.

Taehyung scrunched his nose of what he heard and acted like being puked. "Namjoon hyung seriously? You're into me? I thought you love your boyfriend? What his name again?"

Namjoon smack his head lightly and groans. "Its Yoongi stupid. And for your information. I don't like an annoying like you."

"Hmm, Yoongi? Sounds like i heard that before? But anyway. Why do you called me Daddy?" Namjoon set aside the schedule sheet on the wide table near him and fix his unwanted bangs.

"Because you're taking care of two pregnant men. Like, Taehyung? Are you being serious with Jungkook? He left-"

"Stop." Taehyung glared onto the latter and sighed deeply. "Let just said forgetting the past makes me a better person."

"You can say that but, accepting the both of them and treat the other child as yours is too much. Are you insane Taehyung?" Taehyung shrugged his broad shoulder.

"What do you want me to do Hyung? Let go off that child? And see Jeongguk hang on to pain?" Taehyung is ballistic towards Namjoon. He kinda get that Namjoon waking him up from his deep decision.

"You know you will hurt Jin in the process right?"

"How?" The brunet asked. Namjoon shook his head. Knowing Taehyung is a quite oblivious.

"You told Jeongguk about his child to call you Dad in the future. And since you already have a real child with Jin hyung. Do you think its proper enough to call you Dad is with different Mom?" Taehyung started to think and dig some deep thought. He does not have an idea about that. "Your own child will ask you someday about Jeongguk child. If why the hell is his Father calling him as his."


"Think about it. Jin and Jeongguk is the topic here. Who do you love the most?" Namjoon being on his strictly stance.


"Don't Hyung me. We know both that you still love that Beautiful preggy bunny."

"Stop calling him like that!"

"Oh! Now you're acting like you're his Husband. Maybe, i know the answer. But, please choose wisely. There both pregnant. Sensitive. Fragile."

Taehyung sighed abysmal. "I know." Namjoon stand up and leave him.

"What should i do? Should i stay away from Jeongguk? Or aishhh! Taehyung get yourself together! Grr! He rugged his soft hair and bit his lips.


"Welcome back Hyung!" Jeongguk greeted the brunet while Taehyung did not know if he will greet back or left him. "Hyung do you have a problem?"

Jeongguk scoot next to him and hugged him tight. Sniffing his masculine scent and innocently touch his tone chest. Taehyung quaff his saliva and awkwardly smile.

Namjoon really have a big impact to his mind. Now, its quiet disturbing since his head is on chaotic stage.

"Uh, i'm just t-tired, Baby." Taehyung bit his lips, slipping that endearment on his tongue.

"Do you want me to massage you, Daddy?" Now Taehyung is flustered very bad.

"Oh no. Thank you Kook. Do you eat already?" Jeongguk shook his head. "What do you want eat?"

"You." Taehyung ajar his mouth. Jeongguk blushed crimson pink and stuttered. "I mean, you. What do you want."

"Uhh, ah i want. Cookie." Jeongguk exited the Salas and went to the kitchen.

"Shit what happened? Did i just flirted with Kookie?" He slapped his face and ruffles his hair roughly.

"Kook? This is your due date right?" Jeongguk on the other side of the kitchen opening the jar of cookies and putting it on a plate.

"Yes, i'm excited Hyung. Taeguk is coming." Taehyung went on silent and confusingly look on the raven. Jeongguk also distinguish his face.

"Taeguk is nice." Taehyung aforementioned to cut the awkwardness.

"Yeah oh, sorry Hyung if i named her like that. I already name her that before i met you."

"I love that name." Jeongguk flushed a red cheeks. "Its cute."

"I know." They are about to take their seat when suddenly Jeongguk felt something. He winced and closed his eyes. Not wanting to show a twinge.

"What's t-that?" Jeongguk ajar his eyes and looked down. His eyes widened and shockingly scream.

"AHH!" He scream top of his lungs and held Taehyung arm. "H-Hyung."

"Oh my god! Shit! You peed!" Jeongguk pinch him in brutal.

"Stupid! Hyung! Aah! Why i am with you now! Aah! I remembered you're stupid!" Taehyung whimpered. "I'm about to gave birth!"

"Oh yeah!" He lifted Jeongguk bridal style and run hastily and take a cab.

"Ugh! Huhu." Jeongguk groaning and crying in pain. Taehyung on his side calming him and stroking his soft hair, kissing his head endlessly and rubbed its back.

"Baby calm down." Jeongguk nodded and hugged his Hyung. "I'm here Baby. Calm down hush."

When they exactly on the hospital. He carried Jeongguk again and run. Seeing Doctor Lalisa chatting on the others.

"Doc. Lisa! Help me!" Doctor startled and run to their direction and called some nurses to get Jeongguk inside the room. "Can i come in?"

"No, sorry. This is a very sensitive process and all you need to do is wait and fill up the form." Jeongguk entered the room lying on a stretcher. Crying and looking at him.

"Fighting Baby!" He shouted. Gaining attention with some patients.

After 40 minutes, some nurse came into him and asked him to fill up some papers.

Name: Jeon Jeongguk
Age: 22 yrs old.

While filling up the form a hand touch his back flabbergast him in process. "Doc Lisa?"

"Uh Taehyung. I am informing you to add another name." Taehyung furrow his eyebrow.


"He is carrying twin, girl and boy." Taehyung ajar his mouth and jump on excitement. He is crying. He doesn't know why but the feeling is refreshing.

"I thought its just a girl?" He said wiping his tears.

"Well the other one hiding on his twin back that's why we saw on the result is one child. Jeongguk is resting now and you can visit the babies on the nursery area.

Taehyung smiled and shook his hand, filling the name of a child

Taeguk and Taekwon.

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