Chapter 14

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Izaac eventually rejoins us. Something in my lightens and I feel warm. This is weird.

"Hey stranger. Have you see a tall, blue eyed, Asian anywhere? He's supposed to be dancing with me."

"No sorry, my very short, Caucasian self with brown eyes self have not seen the person you are looking for."

"Oh damn, that's unfortunate, but I guess you'll do." With that he grabs my hands and spins me around, causing me to giggle the whole time.

The music comes to a sudden stop. We all turn.

"So for a few songs from now we'll need a girl that can sing."

I instantly throw my hand up. The guitarist points at me and gestures for me to come up. I untangle my hand from Izaac's and run up to the stage.

"Do you have something rock ish you can change into quickly?"
I nod. I keep clothes in my locker since a science class earlier this year.

"Ten minutes, got it?"
I nod again.
"Oh! Also the song is Drops of Jupiter. Cool?"

I run off to my locker. I pull it open and grab out my clothes.

I open the gym door and walk in with my heels and a black and white striped skirt. Tucked into it is a red three quarter length. As a last touch I stop and pull out my beanie. I walk up to the stage and they nod. I step up onto the stage and take the mic.

The music starts behind me.

"Now that she's back in the atmosphere
With drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey, hey, hey
She acts like summer and walks like rain
Reminds me that there's a time to change, hey, hey, hey"

I walk into English find a seat, a few minutes later a blond girl walks in, she walks over to me.
"Can I have this seat?" I nod and she sits.
"I'm Anna" She says extending her hand. I grab it and smile.
"I'm Aquila." She smiles back.
"Like the constellation?"
"Yes, exactly."
"Do you wanna have lunch today?"
I nod.
"My mom suggested this place near by. It's Mexican, if you're cool with that."
She nods.

"But tell me, did you sail across the sun?
Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated?

Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star–
One without a permanent scar?
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?"

"I want to take a friend break for a little bit. People seem to think of me differently when I'm around you. You're my best friend so I'll be back once I've convinced people I'm not what they think."

I nodded. Something inside me felt like it was breaking. I didn't tell him though, because I know of I did, he wouldn't go. He'd sacrifice again for me. But this time I'm going to sacrifice for him.

He cam back in a couple weeks, walking up to my locker and hugging me.
"I missed you, but now I have more friends. Thank you."

I nod, turning around in his arms to hug him back. A felt whole again.

As the rest of the words fall from my mouth, memories of my life start to resurface. I try and belt out the last few notes, trying to shut off the memories.

They’re all clapping. I hear it all and it hits me like a wave. I can't help but smile and I feel my face warm. I curtsy and walk off up to Izaac, Anna and Rosa.

"Oh my gosh you were amazing!"

Anna yells hugging me. Izaac comes up to me after she let's go.

"You really were. I've got some where I need to take you though. If you want to."
Everything in me is screaming yes. But all I can manage is a nod. He takes my hand and leads me out of the gym.

He takes me to the stairs. Then he takes me up the stairs. He turns corner after corner. Then he stops.

Right in front of our grade 9 science room.

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