Chapter 3

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A/N: Sorry for taking a long time to update. I don't want any mistake in this chapter and I also wanted to reach 800-1000 words so... Welp. Here's the chapter. 

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Previous chapter:

With that he stood up and left the room without looking back at the surprised Hyuuga. 

On to the chapter:

Chapter 3

Later that night the Hyuuga lay in bed thinking about what had happened and about those eyes that haunt her every time she closes her eyes. If what he had said was true then who, rather what is she? Would she have fangs? Would she have to drink other people blood to stay alive? The thought of drinking another living person blood made her inside coil.

With that final thought, she finally gave in to the darkness that taunts her of hellish nightmares.

The people fall asleep one by one unaware of the darkness slowly devouring the peaceful night without an ounce of quilt.

The sun rose before Hinata would like. Last night she couldn't sleep because of that recurring nightmare and she hated how it shows. Another thing to add to the 'things I hate about myself list'. Well what can she do?

Hinata groaned. She had been questioning about everything. Now that she had been accuse of being a vampire, a blood sucking night creature, would she get burn in the sun? But that was highly impossible, all her life she has been in the sun and not a single time had she been burnt. Nothing should happen when she's near garlic, she knows this due to the fact that not only was she near it, she had purposely ate.

She looks nothing like a vampire, true she has pale skin but her eyes aren't beautiful like vampires that was portrayed in books, she wasn't daring nor was she graceful (like yesterday, where she fall every time someone bumped into her). No way in hell would she be a vampire.

"Dear sister." A voice said causing Hinata to jump. She looked towards the doorway where her sister stood. "What are you doing? Hopefully you're not plotting against us... are you?" Her sister asked arrogantly. Once a upon a time she and her sister were inseparable but, now if one were to see them together, they would have thought they were complete stranger.

"N-Never! I-I w-would n-never!" Hinata exclaimed with her hand frantically waving.

"Well even if you were, you won't be able to, not with all those weaknesses." Hanabi said.

Hanabi was about to walk out when a soft voice called out.

"H-Hey H-Hanabi, w-what h-happen t-to u-us?" Hinata whispered softly.

Hanabi froze and slowly said, "You wouldn't want to know."

She walked away from her sister, aware of the sadness and burden her sister had to carry.

"I'm sorry, Hinata. It isn't time for you to know yet." Hanabi sadly whispered as soon as she was out of Hinata's earshot.

Hinata never knew she had to do this. Oh, no! She's next.

"Please Miss. Hyuuga can you please introduce yourself?"

She could hear whispers of 'what is a Hyuuga doing here' 'Look at that snob'. Hinata wanted to cry. She is after all a human and no human should be judge by other humans, they have no right.

"H-Hi, I-I'm H-Hyuuga H-Hinata-"

"Yeah, we know who you are, Princess." A student shouted while mocking the word 'princess'.

Hinata felt sad, humiliated and rejected. This is not what she wanted. She just wanted to be everyone else. To feel like she's apart of something. With nothing else to say, she sat down with a red face.

The rest of the day went smoothly as it possibly could for Hinata, not long after, lunchtime have arrived. Hinata was about to go to the cafeteria when she saw two senpai bullying a cowering freshman. The situation that Hinata had stumbled upon remained her of predators looking for the their prey.

With hesitant steps Hinata went up to the senpai and....

"Thanks for helping me. The name's Tenten. Just Tenten." Said the girl, her thumb pointing to herself.

"What's yours?" Tenten asked as they sat down underneath the cherry tree.

"M-My n-name i-is H-Hyuuga H-Hinata." Hinata stuttered.

"Nice to meet you." Tenten said casually.

Hinata was surprised to say the least. Never in her life had she seen that reaction. If one were to hear 'Hyuuga' they would drop down on their knees, begging for some unknown reason.

As Tenten was eating, Hinata noticed that she had brown hair that was put into two buns. She also noticed that Tenten doesn't look like a normal Japanese person. Her eyes the colour hazel, button nose and a face that was flawless.

Hinata lost in her thoughts didn't notice the sadden look Tenten has in her eyes.

"I'm half Chinese, if your wondering. I'm also an orphan." Tenten said, lowering her face towards the ground. Tenten waited for the 'special treatment' everyone gave her. What she didn't expect was the soft voice asking her about why the senpais was bullying her.

Tenten gasped.

Never had she been treated this way. Since she was young, her peers would shun and bully just because she was different.

'Well, yes. But it was also my fault. You see, on the first day of school, the upper classmen asked me to do things. Instead of doing things they tell me what to do, I did the opposite." Tenten said sadly.

"Ever since then, they kept on bullying me. That's was small compare to what happened today. The orphanage kicked me out because of the upperclassmen. I have no job, no home, nothing." Tenten started breaking down.

"Why am I born into this hell? Please tell me why. Why do I have to be alone?" Tenten said through her tears.

Tenten looked vulnerable with her hand wrapped around her legs and her head on her arms. Tears streams down her face like waterfall, rushing down and never stopping. Hinata was unable to do anything, or more like she can't comprehend what was happening to her. Like she had said before, never in her life had she seen something like this. Coming to this school made her realize things she would never know if she were still sheltered in her so called house. Wait! She suddenly remembers something.

"U-Um... I-I m-might n-not k-know w-what y-you're g-going t-through a-and w-we o-only s-started k-knowing e-each o-other b-but I-I h-hope w-we can b-be g-good f-friends?" Hinata ended with a question.

"No. We won't be good friends..." 


A/N: A little cliffy there, hehehehe.  ^w^ Comment like'I like it' or 'I don't like it' it only takes a couple of seconds. And THANK YOU FOR READING THIS! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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